Chapter 2 & 3 Flashcards
The principle that a local government possesses only those powers that are expressly granted to it by the state, or that are otherwise indispensable to its continued existence and functioning, is known as:
A. Home rule
B. Dillon’s Rule
C. Comity of powers
D. Federalism
The term Dillon’s Rule is used to describe the legal notion that local governments possess only those powers that are expressly granted to them by the state, or that are otherwise indispensable to their continued existence and functioning. The notion of home rule implies additional powers. [Correct response = B]
There are two basic categories of local government. On that basis, which of the following does not belong with the others?
A. Township
B. Utility
C. Municipality
D. County
It is common to distinguish general purpose governments from special purpose governments. Townships, municipalities, and counties are all examples of the former, whereas a utility is an example of the latter. [Correct response = B]
The key differences between accounting and financial reporting for businesses and accounting and financial reporting for state and local governments are primarily attributable to:
A. Differences in environment
B. Differences in standard-setting
C. Differences in law
D. Differences in accounting theory
Environmental differences (the absence of a profit motive, a heightened focus on stewardship, the unique role played by the budget in the public sector) explain the most prominent features that distinguish state and local government accounting and financial reporting from accounting and financial reporting for private-sector business enterprises. [Correct response = A]
Which of the following statements is true concerning the relationship between revenues earned and related costs?
A. It is of most interest to a business.
B. It is of most interest to a government.
C. It is of equal interest to both.
Businesses focus primarily on whether revenues earned in a given period were sufficient to cover related costs, whereas state and local governments, in the absence of a profit motive, tend to concentrate instead on near-term liquidity. [Correct response = A]
Which of the following statements is true concerning the relationship between revenue generation and the provision of goods and services?
A. The relationship is more direct for a business.
B. The relationship is more direct for a government.
C. The relationship is essentially the same for both
In a business setting, there typically is a discernible relationship between what an individual pays and what that same individual receives. The relationship between what a given citizen pays in taxes and the specific services that same citizen receives from the government is much less direct. For example, individuals without children are still expected to pay taxes to support public schools. [Correct response = A]
Which of the following is a tool used by state and local governments to help assess stewardship and compliance?
A. Consolidation
B. Aggregation
C. Fund accounting
D. Cost accounting
A “big picture” approach normally is insufficient for assessing stewardship and compliance. Rather, a tool is needed for organizing and presenting data about financial resources in a manner that highlights the fact that certain resources have been “segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations.” For state and local governments, that tool is fund accounting. [Correct response = C]
Which of the following statements is true concerning the presentation of budgetary comparisons in connection with financial statements?
A. It is required for state and local governments.
B. It is required for businesses.
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
The budget of a private-sector business is essentially a managerial tool of no direct concern to users of external financial reports. In contrast, the budget of a state or local government typically has the force of law and, therefore, is of concern to those interested in compliance with finance-related legal provisions. Accordingly, budgetary comparisons are required in connection with most state or local government financial statements, whereas no budgetary comparison is presented in connection with the basic financial statements of a private-sector business. [Correct response = A]
Which of the following statements is true regarding measurement focus?
A. Government financial statements always use the same measurement focus as private-sector businesses.
B. Government financial statements sometimes use the same measurement focus as private-sector businesses.
C. Government financial statements never use the same measurement focus as private-sector businesses
Government financial statements use multiple measurement focuses, based on the activities being reported. For government operations that function like a private enterprise, governments use the same measurement focus as a private business. For other activities, governments use a different measurement focus. [Correct response = B]
Which class of governments offer a wide range of services?
General purpose governments.
True or false, governments focus on whether revenues earned were sufficient to cover related costs, whereas businesses focus on whether inflows were sufficient to cover outflows.
False - governments are concerned about near-term liquidity and the whether their inflows are sufficient to cover their outflows.
Why do governments use fund accounting?
To assess stewardship and compliance.
GAAP provide authoritative guidance for which of the following?
A. Internal financial reporting
B. Special purpose external financial reporting
C. General purpose external financial reporting
D. All of the above
Managers typically determine the format and contents of internal financial reports. Similarly, the format and contents of special purpose external financial reports normally are set by their intended recipients. GAAP are designed to provide authoritative guidance on the format and contents of general purpose external financial reports. [Correct response = C
Which of the following is not properly considered to be a primary user of state and local government financial statements?
A. Investors and creditors
B. Managers
C. Legislative and oversight bodies
D. None of the above
The term primary user is employed in the context of accounting standards to describe someone who has to rely on general purpose external financial reports. Thus management, which has direct access to financial information, is not a primary user. [Correct response = B]
Which of the following is always issued as part of the GASB’s due process?
A. Invitation to comment (ITC)
B. Discussion memorandum (DM)
C. Preliminary views (PV)
D. None of the above
The GASB is required to issue an ED of a proposed standard. The issuance of other types of due-process documents remains at the discretion of the GASB. [Correct response = D
Which of the following has the highest status on the GAAP hierarchy for state and local governments?
A. NCGA statement
B. GASB implementation guide
C. AICPA statement of position specific to government and cleared by the GASB
D. AICPA issues paper
The highest status on the GAAP hierarchy is reserved for statements and interpretations of the GASB and of its predecessor, the NCGA. [Correct response = A]
Which of the following would not be covered by either the AICPA Compliance with Standards Rule, Code section 1.310.001, or Accounting Principles Rule, Code section 1.320.001?
A. GASB implementation guide
B. GASB statements
C. Widely recognized and prevalent practice
D. All of the above are covered by one of those rules
The AICPA Accounting Principles Rule, Code Section 1.320.001, covers all guidance in Category A, the highest level of the GAAP hierarchy. The Compliance with Standards Rule, Code section 1.310.001, applies to all of the guidance on the GAAP hierarchy below the highest level. GASB implementation guides are Category B GAAP: they are GASB staff documents to which a majority of the members of the GASB do not object. GASB statements are issued based on a majority affirmative vote by the GASB members after full due process and are Category A GAAP, the highest level in the GAAP hierarchy. Widely recognized and prevalent practice is not in the GAAP hierarchy. [Correct response = C]
Which of the following is a true statement regarding the application of nonauthoritative accounting literature:
A. If there is no category A or B GAAP applicable to a government’s situation, it should follow guidance applicable to not-for-profit organizations in similar situations.
B. If a government identifies at least 10 other governments that follow a particular accounting convention, that is sufficient to assume that the practice is widely recognized and prevalent.
C. A government would never follow the accounting practices found in an accounting journal if there is a pronouncement of another accounting standards board that provides conflicting guidance.
D. Governments should always assess whether the guidance found in any nonauthoritative accounting literature is consistent with GASB’s concepts statements.
E. C and D
Nonauthoritative accounting literature can only be used when there is no authoritative Category A or B GAAP. There is no set hierarchy within nonauthoritative accounting literature, but professional judgement is needed to determine what literature is the best fit for the government’s specific situation, and no accounting that is inconsistent with GASB’s concepts statements should ever be applied. The fact that 10 governments all follow the same accounting practice regarding a certain event or transaction does not mean that it is widespread and prevalent. [Correct response = D]
Which of the following is not necessarily definitive when determining whether a given entity should be considered a state or local government for purposes of GAAP?
A. Election of officers in a general election
B. Ability to unilaterally dissolve with reversion of assets to a government
C. Ability to enact and enforce a tax levy
D. The ability to issue tax-exempt debt
An entity that has the ability to issue federally tax-exempt debt is presumed to be a state or local government, but that presumption may be rebutted by “compelling, relevant evidence.” [Correct response = D
Which of the following is true?
A. The SEC has the legal authority to set GAAP for state and local governments and historically has done so itself.
B. The SEC has the legal authority to set GAAP for all state and local governments, though it historically has delegated that power to others.
C. The SEC has legal authority to set GAAP for state and local governments that issue bonds to the public, though it historically has delegated that power to others.
D. The SEC does not have authority to set GAAP for state and local governments
Federal securities legislation of the 1930s vested the SEC with the legal authority to set financial reporting standards for issuers of publicly traded securities. Those laws, however, expressly exempted state and local governments from all but the anti-fraud provisions of that legislation. Decades later, Congress reaffirmed this exemption as part of the legislation that established the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board in 1975 (Tower Amendment). [Correct response = D]
The FAF oversees which of the following:
E. Both A and B
In 1972, the FAF was established to oversee the setting of accounting standards in the private sector, for which they appointed members of FASB. In June 1984, the FAF took similar responsibility for overseeing and appointing members to the newly formed GASB. The FASAB and IASB, however, do not function under the auspices of the FAF. [Correct response = E]
Which of the following is a comprehensive compendium of GAAP guidance and nonauthoritative supplementary materials organized by topic?
A. GASB’s Codification
B. GASB’s Original Pronouncements
C. AICPA’s State and Local Government Accounting and Auditing Guide
D. GASB’s Implementation Guide
The GASB’s Codification is a comprehensive guide to current GAAP organized by subject that incorporates Categories A and B GAAP as well as illustrations and other non-authoritative guidance. GASB’s Original Pronouncements are the individual statements, interpretations, technical bulletins, implementation guides, concepts statements and other pronouncements as they were originally published, not updated for subsequent changes. The AICPA State and Local Government Accounting and Audit Guide is periodically updated by the AICPA to reflect changes in GAAP, but is not a comprehensive reference for all aspects of GAAP. [Correct response = A]
What is included in Category A within the GAAP hierarchy?
GASB Statements
What is included in Category B within the GAAP hierarchy?
- technical bulletins
- implementation guides
- AICPA literature cleared by the GASB
Which category of the GAAP hierarchy does implementation guides fall in?
Category B