Chapter 9--12 Flashcards
Balogun and Hope Hailey identifed change types. What are they and explain
- Adaption (Incremental/Realigment) - Slow steady change thats planned in same paradigm
- Reconstruction (Big Bang/Realigment) - Rapid change due to competition but same paradigm
- Evolution (Incremental/Transformational) - New paradigm but planned change
- Revelution (Big Bang/Transformatinal) big change and rapid due to environmental changes
What is discontinuous change?
Sudden changes in Org environmental or operationals leads to new paradigm
What are the characteritsics of discontinous change
- Vision reshaped
- Multiple aspects of Org changed (S’s)
- Future state is unclear
- Speed of change is rapid
What are the S’s in McKinsey’s changing culture. Both hard and soft aspects
- Strategy
- Structure
- Systems
- Skills
- Staff
- Style of mgmt
- Shared values
What are the ways to overcome change accoding to Kotter and Schlesinger
- Education and Communication: Sold into staff
- Participation and Involvement: May alleviate the resistance if they are involved in change
- Facilitation and Support: Training and Councilling
- Negotiation and Agreement: Unions to be considered and maybe Incentives to agree change
- Maniuplation: Covert way but may increase resistance
- Coercion: Rapid change and power enforced
What is the purpose of Performance Management
- Feedback for control
- Feeds into stakeholder communication (Profit updates)
- Helps assess performance and reward systems
- Motivation through goal settign thats achievable
What are the strengths of ROI
- Comparable against other unequal division
- Easily understandable
- Useful for external investors
What are the weakness of ROI
- Lead to dysfunctional behaviour
- ROI cannot be set lower than WACC than a positive ROI may lead to investor wealth decline
What are the general criticisims of ROI and RI
- Profit van be manipulated
- Discourage asset investment which is crucial for innovation
- Hard to compare against different industry due to assets
- Can lead to ST decison making
What are the features of continuous change
- Incremental
- Does not change Paradigm
- Minimium resistance
- Small scale
What are the features of discontinous change
- Changes Paradigm
- Fast
- Change in Org Environment/Operations
- Can be one off change or result of series of incremental
What are the cultural aspects of Balogun and Hope Bailey’s cultural web that need to be considered when managing change (7)
- Symbols
- Power
- Organisational
- Controls
- Routines and rituals
- Paradigm
- Stories
What is McKinsey’s 7 “S” model used for
- Shows the links between Org behavious and individuals
- Shows that change affects Org and people
What are the features of Lewin’s 3 stage model to change
- Remove norm routines
- Consult team members
- Positive Re-inforcement
- Learn
- Encourage staff participation
- New behaviours and roles
- Embed new behaviours and standards
- Positive re-inforcement such as rewards
What are the criticisms of Lewin’s 3 stage model to change
- Assumes change is structured rather than continuous and multi dimensional
- Underplays the fact that people will only change if tehy feel the need