Chapter 9 Flashcards
what are the regions of the HEAD
- frontal
- parietal
- occipital
- temporal
- orbital
- nasal
- infraorbital
- zygomatic
- buccal
- oral
- mental
what two sections is the skull divided into
the cranium and the face
what is the cranium
composed of 8 bones and protect the bone
how many bones does the face consist of
what are the single bones of the cranium
- frontal
- occipital
- sphenoid
- ethmoid
what are the paired bones of the cranium
- parietal
- temporal
what are the visible bones in the face
- lacrimal
- nasal
- vomer
- nasal concha
- zygomatic
- maxilla
- mandible
how does the face look like at postnatal development
the face lack dimension because the teeth have not erupted
What is the hyoid bone
Supports the tongue
- shaped like a horseshoe
how is the development of the mandible present
Present in two halves separated by the symphysis mentí
how is the development of the maxillary present
Entirely filled with development tooth buds
Female skull
Smaller and thinner
Teeth are more rounded and smaller
Male skull
Larger and heavier
Teeth are more squares and bigger
Temporomandibular joints (TMJ)
Joint that allows movement of the mandible for speech and mastication
What are the two jaw movements of the TMJ
Hinge and glide
Hinge movement
1st phase of the mouth opening
Only lower compartment of the joint is used
Gliding movement
Forward and backward
Includes both upper and lower compartments of joint
Temporomandibular disorder
Caused by stress, clenching, bruxism (grinding) or trauma to the jaw
Symptoms of TMJ
Limited movement
Joint sounds
What are the 7 groups of muscles of the head and neck
Neck Facial expression Mastication Tongue Soft palate Floor of the mouth Pharynx
What are the two types of saliva
Serous - watery and protein
Mucous - thick and carbohydrates
What are the major salivary glands
Parotid - stensens duct
Submandibular - whartons duct
Sublingual - bartholins duct
What are the major salivary gland disorders
Xerostomia - dry mouth
Salivary stones - blocks saliva
Internal carotid artery
Supplies blood to the brain and eyes
External carotid artery
Supplies blood to the face and mouth
How many cranial nerves are there
12 pairs
Lymph nodes
Are small and round
5 groups of superficial nodes
Occipital Retroauricular Anterior auricular Superficial parotid Facial nodes
Am increase in size and cell count
Paranasal sinuses
Air containing spaces
Produce mucous
Make skull lighter
Produce sound