chapter 9 Flashcards
alkane numbering:
- 1C = methane
- 2C = ethane
- 3C = propane
- 4C = butane
- 5C = pentane
- 6C = hexane
- 7C = heptane
- 8C = octane
- 9C = nonane
- 10C = decane
groups attached to alkanes to know:
- methyl CH3-R
- ethyl CH3CH2R
- propyl CH3CH2CH2R
- butyl CH3CH2CH2CH2R
- isopropyl
- sec-Butyl
- tert-butyl

list of functional groups priority:
- carboxylic acid
- ester
- acyl chloride
- amide
- aldehyde
- ketone
- alcohol
- thiol
- amine
- alkyne
- alkene
- alkane
carboxylic acid:
- prefix: carboxy
- suffix: oic acid

prefix: oxycarbonyl
suffix: oate

acyl chloride:
prefix: halocarbonyl
suffix: oyl halide

prefix: carbamoyl
suffix: amide or carboxamide

prefix: oxo or formyl
suffix: al or carbaldehyde

prefix: oxo
suffix: one

prefix: hydroxy
suffix: ol

prefix: mercapto
suffix: thiol

prefix: amino
suffix: amine

prefix: alkynyl
suffix: yne
prefix: alkenyl
suffix: ene
prefix: alkyl
suffix: ane

resonance structures are attempts to represent?
- the underlying form of the molecule, in which the electrons are delocalized
- electron delocalization can significantly affect the chemical properties of a compound
a special case of resonance is known as?
- conjugation
- associate conjugation with structures containing alternating single and double bonds in carbon chains
- a characteristic of compounds with conjugated systems is that they absorb UV light and can therefore be well visualized using UV spectroscopy
what are aromatic compounds?
conjugated cyclic molecules with a planar structure that also satisfy an additional criterion known as Huckels tule: having 4n + 2Π electrons, where n is an integer
what are isomers?
- molecules that share the same molecular formula but differ in their structure
the general topic of how molecules are arranged in space in different ways is known as?
- stereochemistry
what are structural/constitutional isomers?
- refers to the different ways that aroms can be connected with each other given a single molecular formula
- no way to predict the number or configuration of structural isomers by looking at the molecular formula so you have to draw them out and they can have fundamentally different chemical properties
structural isomers with different functional groups are known as?
- functional isomers
what are tautomers?
- this term refers to structural isomers that interconvert with each other and exist in equilibrium
- ex. keto-enol isomerism
- enamines and imines
- lacrams and lactims
- amides and amines
- not the same as resonance because tautomers are 2 different structures that interconvert via the breaking and re-formation of bonds

what are stereoisomers?
- describes how molecules within a single pattern of connectivity among their constituent atoms can have different spatial configuration (subset of a single structural isomer)
- arrangements around single bonds- single bonds can rotate without being broken and some of the resulting configurations known as conformational isomers are more favourable than others (Newman projections)
- orientation across a double bond- a substituent can be located on one side or another of a double bond and the terms cis/trans and E/Z system describe this
- orientation at a chiral center- 4 different sub’s on a C and multiple systems exist for describing such orientations, most notably the R/S system and the d/l (+/-) system
Newman projections are used to show?
conformational isomers

another type of conformational isomerism arises in?
- cyclohexanes due to:
- angle strain- occurs when the angle between single bonded C atoms deviate from 109.5°
- torsional strain- created by eclipsing substituents on neighbouring atoms
- steric strain is caused by substituents getting in each other’s way
- in order to resolve these forms of strain, cyclohexane alternates between chair, boat and twist-boat
the substituents of cyclohexane can either be in an?
- axial or equitorial orientation
- bulkier substituents are placed equitorially
if a cyclohexane ring has 2 substituents that both point up or down, it is referred to as?
if the 2 subs point in different directions, then the configuration is referred to as?
- cis
- trans
- the cis and trans substituted cyclohexanes are stable
- a cis isomer cannot be converted to a trans isomer without breaking and reforming a bond however, the chair conformation of each of these isomers can interconvert in order to optimize steric hindrance

what is geometric isomerism?
- deals with the spatial orientation of atoms around a double bond
- C=C bonds have a fixed planar shape
- cis trans and E/Z classification
- cis and trans isomers are used for when both substituents are the same on either the same side or opposite from each other
- Z and E isomers are used for pointing out whether the 2 highest priority substituents are on the same (Z) or opposite sides (E)
- cis trans and E/Z classification
- C=C bonds have a fixed planar shape
the number of stereoisomers that are possible for a given structure is equal to?
2n where n is the number of stereocenters
what are meso compounds?
- molecules that have multiple stereocenters but are not chiral because they have a plane of symmetry running through the molecule that divides it into 2 superimposable mirror images

the solutions of chiral compounds rotate planes of polarized light at angles unique to each compound. this is defined as?
- the specific rotation (alpha) of the molecule
- compounds that produce clockwise rotations (+) of plane-polarized light are dextrorotatory (d) and compounds that produce counterclockwise (-) rotation are levorotatory (l)
- the specific rotation of a chiral compound in solution can be calculated by:
- [alpha] = a/cl
- a is the observed roation, c is the concnetration in g/nL and l is the length of the polarimeter tube
- [alpha] = a/cl
a mixture with an equal 50:50 composition of 2 enantiomers of a given compound is known as?
- a racemic mixture
- such mixtures do not rotate plane-polarized light because they cancel each other out
we can work backwatds from the observed rotation of a mixture- if we know [alpha]- to calculate the distribution of enantiomers in a solution using this formula:
enantiomeric excess (%) = [alpha]observed/[alpha]pure x 100
how to figure out the R and S configuration of chiral centers:
- assign priorities to each substituent. recall that aotms with greater atomic weights receive higher priority
- if the lowest priority substituent is in the back, move to step 3. if not, draw the lowest priority so that it is in the back
- determine whether the order of substituents from highest to lowest priority runs clovkwise (R) or counterclockwise (S) direction
- if the orientation of the lowest priority group was changed in step 2, then the true absolute configuration will be the opposite of that found in step 3
enantiomers vs diastereomers: