Chapter 8 - Zoning Flashcards
What’s the process for notice for a zoning change?
1) Notice given 20 days in advance of the hearing date by mail to all owners in the lot in which the proposed change is to take place.
2) Notice shall contain: a) legal description of property, b) present zoning of property and what zoning is sought and c) date, time & location of hearing
3) Notice given in newspaper 15 days before hearing
What two documents lay out zoning requirements?
- Zoning Map
2. Zoning Ordinance
What entities carry out the requirements of the zoning ordinances?
- The governing body
- The planning commission
- The board of adjustment (or board of appeals)
What is the role of the governing body? What are other names to describe this?
- Other Names: city council, board of county commissioners, board of supervision
- They have the most power and responsibility for all decisions concerning zoning.
What is the planning commissions role in a city?
- Primarily Advisory
- Review & adopt plans for the physical development of the city
- Review and approve special permit and rezoning applications
- Review & approve subdivision plats
What is the board of adjustments role in a city?
- Hearing & approving applications for special exceptions
- Hearing & deciding appeals to the interpretation and enforcement of zoning ordinances
What is zoning?
a mapping process whereby all the land in a community is labeled with respect to the general nature of permissible development.
What are the general categories of zoning?
- Agricultural
- Residential
- Commercial
- Industrial
What are subcategories of zoning and why are they used?
Normally called zones; they contain specific regulations such as lot size, height of structures, bulk placement of buildings, yard areas, open space.
What is a Planned Unit Development (PUD)
- Designed to facilitate larger projects and stimulate a more innovative zoning product
- A PUD district provides an opportunity for greater flexibility with regard to density, design, and land use in exchange for the developer providing certain amenities and services not possible or not required in conventional zoning districts.
- PUD applications are processed like any other rezoning request.
What are the three kinds of subdivisions and how do they differ?
- Deed approval subdivision - tract of land divided into no more than 3 lots
- Minor subdivision - tract of land divided into no more than 11 lots
- Major subdivision - tract of land > 11 lots
What are building codes?
- Establish minimum standards for material & construction, including structural load & stress, size & location of rooms, ventilation, electrical & plumbing installation, fire protection.
Where are protest petitions submitted in most cities?
Code Administration Department
Where does local government derive its police power, including the authority to generate enforceable zoning ordinances?
From enabling legislation