Chapter 8 (Week 8) Flashcards
The capacity that A must influence the behaviour of B so that B acts in accordance with A’s wishes
Dependence (in relationship to power)
B’s relationship to A when A possesses something that B requires
Bases of Power
Formal Power
- Coercive (power base dependent on fear of the negative results from failing to comply
- Reward (power that achieves compliance based on the ability to distribute rewards that others view as valuable)
- Legitimate (power that people receive because of their position in the formal hierarchy of an organization)
Personal Power
- Expert (influence based on expertise, special skills or knowledge)
- Referent (influence based on possession by an individual of desirable resources or personal traits)
Responses to Power
Personal sources of power are most effective and are positively related to employees’ satisfaction with supervision, organizational commitment and performance; formal power is less effective and coercive power, in particular, can be damaging
General responses to use of bases of power:
- Commitment
- Compliance
- Resistance
Influence Tactics
- Rational Persuasion
- Inspirational Appeals
- Consultation
- Ingratiation
- Exchange
- Personal Appeal
- Coalition
- Legitimating
- Upward Appeals
- Pressure
- Most effective are rational persuasion, inspirational appeals and consultation
- Rational persuasion is the only tactic that is effective across all organizational levels (and the only one effective for upward influence)
- Inspirational appeals and pressure work best as downward-influencing
- Personal appeals and coalitions are most effective for lateral influence
Rational Persuasion
Use of logical arguments and factual evidence to persuade someone that a proposal or request is viable and likely to result in attainment of task objectives
Inspirational Appeals
Emotional request or proposal that arouses enthusiasm by appealing to someone’s values and ideals, or by increasing their confidence that they can do what you’re requesting
Seeking the other person’s participation in making a decision or planning how to implement a proposed policy, strategy or change
Seeking to get the other person in a good mood or think favourably of you before asking them to do something
Making an explicit or implicit promise that the other person will receive rewards or tangible benefits if they comply with your request or support a proposal OR reminding them that they owe you a favour
Personal Appeal
Appealing to someone’s feelings of loyalty and friendship before asking them to do something
Seeking the aid of others to persuade someone to do something or using the support of others as an argument for why they should also agree
Seeking to establish the legitimacy of a request by claiming the authority or right to make it or by verifying that it is consistent with organizational policies, rules, practices or traditions
Upward Appeals
Seeking to persuade someone that your request is approved by higher management or appealing to higher management for assistance in gaining the other person’s compliance with your request
Use of demands, threats or intimidation to convince someone to comply with a request or to support your proposal
Freedom and ability of employees to make decisions and commitments
Characteristics of Empowered People
- Self-determination (they choose how to do their work and are not micromanaged)
- Sense of meaning (they care about what they do because they believe it has an important purpose)
- Sense of competence (believe that they can perform the work)
= Sense of impact (they believe that their ideas are listened to and that they can influence work outcomes)
Political Skill
Ability to influence others in such a way as to enhance one’s objectives
Political Behaviour
Activities that influence, or attempt to influence, the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within the organization; also encompasses efforts to influence the goals, criteria or processes used for decision making
- withholding key info from decision makers
- joining a coalition
- whistle-blowing
- spreading rumours
- leaking confidential info to the media
- exchanging favours with others for mutual benefit
- lobbying on behalf of or against a particular individual or decision alternative
*often negative, but not always
Impression Management
process by which individuals attempt to control the impression others form of them
- conformity
- favours
- excuses
- apologies
- self-promotion
- enhancement
- flattery
- exemplification