Chapter 8: Torts Flashcards
a breach of a duty owed to another that causes harm
action involved in tort
- a person is harmed by the actions of a business or its employees
- a person is harmed by a product manufactured or distributed by the business
- a business is harmed by the wrongful act of another business or person
negligence-based torts
- wrongdoer owed a duty to the injured party. The legal standard created is often called due care or ordinary care
- the duty of care owed to the injured party wa breached thru some act or omission on the part of the wrongdoer
- There is a causal connection b/t the wrongdoer’s negligent conduct and the resulting harm to the injured party
- injured party suffered actual harm or damage recognized as actionable by law as a result of the negligent conduct
reasonable person
hypothetical person who acts in a reasonable manner under circumstances
the act must have been the cause in fact and the proximate cause of the other’s injury
res ipsa loquitur - the thing speaks for itself
the showing is strong enough to prevent dismissal of the claim w/o further examination.
cause in fact
evidence showing that a defendant’s action or inaction is the actual cause of an injury that would not have occurred but for the defendant’s behavior
sine qua non rule
the injury would not have occurred but for the conduct of the party accused of committing tort
proximate cause
consequence that are too remote or too far removed from negligent conduct will not result in liability
substantial factor test
a legal cause of injury is a cause which is a substantial factor in bringing about the injury
superseding cause
even if negligence occurred, if the causal connection to the resulting harm is broken by an intervening act or event
danger-invites-rescue doctrine
the common law holds the negligent party responsible for the loses suffered by those who attempts to save people who are in danger as the result of the torts of others
Assumption of risk
an injured party who voluntarily assumed the risk of harm arising from the negligent or reckless of conduct of another may not be allowed to recover compensation from such harm
exculpatory clause
comparative negligence
damages are reduced by the % of the injuries caused by the plaintiff’s own negligence
Intentional torts against persons
- state of mind of defendant
- defendant knew or should have known the possible consequence of his act
- knowing that certain results are likely to occur
intentional conduct directed at a person that places the person in fear of immediate bodily harm or offensive contact
unlawful touching, which is intentional physical contact w/o consent
CONSENT: injured party gave permission to the alleged wrongdoer to interfere w a personal right
PRIVILEGE: excuse what would have been a tort if the defendant had acted to further an interest of social importance that deserves protection
stand your ground
person is not required to retreat
false imprisonment
intentional holding, detaining, or confining a person in violation that violates the protected interest in freedom from restraint of movement
infliction of emotional distress
conduct that is so outrageous that it creates severe mental or emotional distress in another person
invasion of privacy
a person’s right to solitude and to be free from unwarranted public exposure
- use of person’s name or picture w/o permission
- intrusion into a person’s solitude
- the placing of a person in a false light
- the public exposure of facts that are private in nature
- intentional false communication that injures a person’s reputation or good name
- slander is the tort if defamatory is spoken
- libel if it’s printing, writing, picture, broadcast
- elements (1) making a false or defamatory statement abt another person, (2) publishing or communicating the statement to a third person, (3) causing harm to the person abt whom the statement was made
defamation per se
statements that are presumed by law to be harmful to the person to whom they were directed and therefore require no proof of harm or injury
absolute privilege
an immunity applied in those situations where public policy favors complete freedom of speech
conditional privilege
eliminates liability when the false statement was published in good faith and w proper motives, such as for business purpose
Constitutional privilege
protects members of press who publish opinion material abt public officials, figures, or person of legitimate public interest
- disregarded if statement was made with ACTUAL MALICE ~ made with reckless disregard for the truth