Chapter 8 - Skin Disorders & Diseases Flashcards
Skin tag
A small brown-colored or flea colored outgrowth of the skin
Also known as wart; hyper trophy of the papillae and epidermis
Basal cell carcinoma
Most common and least severe skin cancer; characterized by light or pearly nodules and has a 90 percent survival rate with early diagnosis
Squamous cell carcinoma
More serious then (bcc) characterized by scaly red papules or nodules. It can spread to other parts of the body and survival rates depend on the stage at diagnosis
Maglinant melanoma
Least common, but most dangerous, form of skin cancer; characterized by black or dark brown patches on the skin that may appear uneven in texture, jagged, or raised
One half of the mole does not match the other half
Border irregularity
The edges of the mole are ragged or botched
The color of the mole is not the same all over. There may be shades of tan,brown, or black and sometimes even patches of red, blue, or white.
The mole is wider that about 1/4 (doctors are now finding melanomas that are smaller)
The mole evolves or changes; it may include darkening or variations in color, it may itch or hurt; may change in shape or growth
Acne bacteria
Main food source is fatty acids
Intrinsic factors
Skin-aging factors over which we have little control
Genetics,gravity,facial expressions
Extrinsic factors
Environmental factors contribute to aging and the appearance of aging
Uva rays
(Aging rays)
Deep-penetrating rays that can even go through a glass window. These rays weaken the collagen and elastin fibers causing wrinkles and sagging
(Burning rays)
Sunburns, tanning of the skin, and the majority of skin cancers. These are shorter rays that stop penetration at the base of the epidermis
Allergic contact dermatitis
When a person develops an allergy to an ingredient or a chemical, usually caused by repeated skin contact with the chemical.
An allergic reaction created by repeated exposure to a chemical or a substance.
Mark on the skin that changes the structure of tissues or organs.
Primary lesions
Different color than than the color of the skin/ and or lesions that are raised above the surface of the skin
Large blister containing watery fluid ; similar to a vesicle.
(Contact dermatitis, large second decree burns, bulbous impetigo, perriphigus)
Flat spot or discoloration on the skin
freckle or liver spot
Raised, inflamed papule with a white or yellow center containing pus in the top of the lesion
Acne, impetigo, folliculitus
Abnormal mass varying in size shape and color. Any type of abnormal mass, not always cancer.
An itchy swollen lesion that can be caused by a blow, scratch, bite of an insect or urticaria (skin allergy) or the sting of a nettle.
Typically resolved on its own but refer if more than 3 days
(Hives,mosquito bites)