Chapter 8 Review - AUC Dosing Flashcards
Which two formulas are used to determine the AUC dose of carboplatin for a patient?
Calvert formula and a creatinine clearance formula (Cockroft-Gault by default)
Which two items can an oncologist override to manually determine the AUC dose of a medication for a patient?
Serum creatinine and glomerular filtration rate.
An oncologist is viewing the treatment plan in a navigator for a patient and is trying to quickly
determine how the dose of an AUC‐based medication is being calculated by the system. The
oncologist has voiced frustration that she has to open the order composer of the medication in
order to see the dose calculations. What can you do as the administrator to easily display the dose
calculations for the oncologist without them having to open the order composer?
In a profile that affects the oncologist, set the ‘Show dose calculations in navigator section?’ to Yes.