Chapter 8 : Psychological Disorders Flashcards
Define : Abnormal Behaviour
Behaviour that is personally distressing, personally dysfunctional, and/or culturally deviant that other people judge it to be inappropriate.
Define : Vulnerability-stress model
Everyone has some degree of vulnerability for developing a psychological disorder, given sufficient stress.
Define : Reliability
Should show high levels of agreement in their diagnostic decisions.
Define : Validity
The diagnostic behaviours should accurately capture the essential features of the various disorders.
Define : Competency
The defendants state of mind during the judicial hearing., not at the time when the crime had occurred.
Define : Insanity
The defendants state of mind during the time of the crime.
Define : Anxiety disorders
The frequency and intensity of the anxiety responses are out of proportion to the situations that trigger them, and the anxiety interferes with daily life.
Define : Phobia
Strong and irrational fears of certain objects and situations.
Define : Agoraphobia
Fear of open and public spaces.
Define : Social anxiety disorder
Fear that someone might be evaluated and possibly embarrassed.
Define : Specific phobias
Fear of specific such as dogs, cats, airplanes, etc.
Define : Generalized anxiety and worry disorder
Chronic state of anxiety that is not attached to specific situations or objects.
Define : Chronic Disorder
Occurs suddenly and unpredictably and they are much more intense.
Define : Obsession
Repetitive and unwelcome thoughts, images, or impulses that invades consciousness, and are very difficult to dismiss or control.
Define : Compulsions
Repetitive behavioural responses that can be resisted with only great difficulty.
Define : Neurotic Anxiety
Occurs when unacceptable impulses threaten to overwhelm the ego’s defences and explode into action.
Define : Culture-bound disorders
Occur only in certain places.
Define : Anorexia Nervosa
Intense fear of being fat and restrict their food intake to the point of self-starvation.
Define : Bulimia Nervosa
Fear of being fat, but instead of self-starvation, they binge eat and then purge the food (Puking it out, or using laxatives).
Define : Mood Disorders
Involve depression and mania (excessive excitement).
Define : Major Depression
Leaves the patient unable to function effectively in their lives.
Define : Dysthymia
Less dramatic effects on personal and occupational functioning.
Define : Bipolar Depression
Depression alternates with periods of Mania. Depression is usually the dominant state.
Define : Mania
State of highly excited mood and behaviour that is quite opposite of depression.
Define : Depressive Cognitive Triad
Negative thoughts concerning the world, oneself, and the future.
Define : Depressive Attributional Pattern
Taking no credit for success but blaming themselves for failures.
Define : Learned helplessness theory
Depression occurs when people expect that bad events will occur and that there is nothing that they can do to prevent it or cope with it.
Define : Somatic symptom disorder
Physical complaints or disabilities that suggest a medical problem, but which have no known biological cause and are not produced voluntarily by the person.
Define : Pain Disorder
Experience intense pain that is either out of proportion to whatever medical condition they have or for which no physical basis can be found.
Define : Functional neurological symptom disorder
Serious neurological symptoms (such as paralysis, loss of sensation) suddenly occur.
Define : La Belle Indifference
A strange lack of concern about their symptom and its implications.
Define : Dissociative Disorder
Breakdown of the normal integration, resulting in significant alterations in memory or identity.
Define : Dissociative Amnesia
Person responds to a stressful event with extensive but selective memory loss.
Define : Dissociative Fugue
More profound and very rare dissociative disorder where the person loses all sense of personal identity, give up their current life and moves somewhere far away and starts a new life.
Define : Dissociative Identity Disorder
Two or more personalities coexists in the same person.
Define : Trauma-Dissociation theory
The development of new personalities occurs in response to severe stress.