Chapter 4 : Development over the lifespan Flashcards
Define : Cross-Sectional Design
Test different age groups in the same year and test their performance.
Define : Longitudinal Design
Study same people over a period of time.
Define : Sequential Design
Study several age cohorts as they grow older and determine whether they follow a similar developmental pattern.
Define : Zygote
When the egg and sperm first meet and the egg becomes fertilized.
Define : Embryo
Growing form of the Zygote. It has collected mass and is 2-8 weeks old.
Define : Fetus
The next stage of a Embryo. It is in it’s 9th week after conception.
Define : TDF (Testis Determining Factor) gene
A gene that triggers male sexual development.
Define : Teratogens
Environmental agents that cause abnormal prenatal development
Define : Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Range of mild to severe cognitive, behavioural and physical deficits caused by prenatal exposure to alcohol.
Define : Fatal Alcohol Syndrome
Cluster of severe developmental abnormalities.
Define : Preferential looking procedure
Test used to study infants visual preferences.
Define : Maturation
Genetically programmed biological process that governs our growth.
Define : Cephalocaudal Principle
Tendency for development to proceed in a head-to-foot direction.
Define : Proximodistal principle
States that development begins along the innermost parts of the body and continues toward the outermost parts.
Define : Assimilation
Process by which new experiences are incorporated into existing schemas.
Define : Accommodation
New experiences cause existing schemas to change.
Define : Object premanence
The understanding that an object continues to exist even though it cannot be seen anymore.
Define : Conservation
The basic properties of objects (volume, mass or quantity) stay the same even though their appearance changes.
Define : Ego centrism
The difficulty of viewing the world from someone else’s perspective.
Define : Zone of proximal development
The difference in what children can do independently and what they can do with the assistance from adults or more advanced peers.
Define : Temperament
Biologically based general style of reacting emotionally and behaviourally to the environment.
Define : Imprinting
Sudden, biologically primed form of attachment.
Define : Attachment
Strong emotional bond that develops between children and their primary caregivers.
Define : Stranger anxiety
Distress over contact with unfamiliar people.
Define : Separation anxiety
Distress over being separated from a primary caregiver.
Define: Strange situation test (SST)
Standardized procedure for examining infant attachment.
Define : Authoritative parents
Controlling but warm.
Define : Authoritarian parents
Exert control but in a cold, unresponsive, or rejecting manner.
Define : Indulgent parents
Warm and caring relationships with their children but do not provide the guidance and discipline that helps children learn responsibility and concern for others.
Define : Neglectful parents
Provide neither warmth nor rules and guidance.
Define : Gender identity
Sense of femaleness or maleness that becomes a central aspect of our personal identity.
Define : Gender constancy
Understanding that being male or female is a permanent part of a person.
Define : Sex-role stereotypes
Beliefs about the characteristics and behaviours that are appropriate for boys and girls to possess.
Define : Socialization
Process by which we acquire the beliefs, values and behaviours that are appropriate for boys and girls to possess.
Define : Sex-typing
Treating others differently based on whether they’re male or female.
Define : Pre-conventional moral reasoning
Based on anticipated rewards or punishment.
Define : Conventional moral reasoning
Based on conformity to social expectations, laws and duties.
Define : Post-conventonal moral reasoning
Based on well thought out, general moral principles.
Define : Puberty
Period of rapid physical maturation in which the person becomes capable of sexual reproduction.
Define : Adolescent egocentrism
Self-absorbed and distorted view of ones uniqueness and importance.
Define : Post-formal thought
People can reason logically about opposing points of views and accept differences.