Chapter 8: Experiments Flashcards
People Watching People
Observers in supermarkets. Purpose: comparative shopping.
People watching phenomena
Observer stationed at intersection counts traffic
Machines watching people
Video cameras record consumers selecting frozen foods to determine popularity of choice.
Machines watching phenomena
Traffic-counting machines monitor the flow of traffic through an intersection
Define Observation Research
The systematic recording of patterns of occurrence or behaviors without communicating with the people involved.
Conditions for using Observation?
- The information must be observable.
- The behavior must be repetitive
- Short duration
Natural vs. Contrived Situations?
Natural = requires the observer to play no role in the behavior of interest. Contrived = set up as a simulation by the observer.
Open vs. Disguised Observation
Open/Undisguised = the person knows that he/she is being observed. Disguised = process of monitoring people, objects, or occurrences that do not know they are being watched.
Structured vs. Unstructured
Structured = the observer fills out a questionnaire-like form on each person observed. Unstructured = the observer simply makes notes on the behavior being observed.
Human vs. Machine Observers
Machines (like cameras) may be more desirable due to being able to do the job (in certain situations) less expensively, more accurately, or more readily.
Direct vs. Indirect
Direct = directly observing the current behavior. Indirect = Observing past behavior.
Advantages of Observation Research
- Provides complementary evidence
- We can see what people actually do
- Avoids interviewer bias
- Quick data collection
Disadvantages of Observation Research
- Only behavior and physical personal characteristics can usually be examined.
- Researcher does not learn motives.
- Time-consuming and expensive
Ethnographic Research (humanistic inquiry)
- From anthropology
- Recording people in their natural settings
- Observation of behavior and physical setting coupled with depth interviews
Mystery Shoppers
- To gather observational data about a store
- To collect data about customer/employee interactions
Four Variations of mystery shopper
- A mystery telephone call
- A quick purchase, little or no interaction
- Using a script, initiates a conversation
- Requires excellent communication and knowledge of a product.
Phases of Employee Training
Phase 1 - Evaluate existing customer service
Phase 2 - evaluations analyzed and training program developed
Phase 3 - shoppers return to evaluate the customer service post-training
Objectives of Mystery Shoppers
- Preparing for new competition
- Monitoring the competition
- Recognizing good employees
One Way Mirror Observations
- Clients to observe the group discussion
- Used for focus groups
- Used to observe users of product
- Used to observed children at play
Examination and verification of the sale of a product
Shopper Patterns
Used by retailers to trace the flow of shoppers through a store
Shopper behavior
Involves observing, or perhaps filming and then watching the film, of shoppers or consumers in a variety of shopping settings.
Content Analysis
An observation technique used to analyze written material (usually advertising copy) into meaningful units using carefully applied rules
EEG: electroencephalogram
Researchers claim that EEG measures can be used to assess viewers’ attention to an advertisement at a specific point in t time, the intensity of the emotional reactions elecited by specific aspects of the ad, and their comprehension and attention to the ad.
GSR: Galvanic skin response
Measures changes in the electric resistance of the skin associated with activation responses. Used to evaluate viewers’ interest levels during commercials.
Measures pupil dilation; increased size = positive attitudes, interest, arousal in ads.
Voice Pitch Analysis
measures emotion based on relative frequency of the human voice
People Reader
Records simultaneously reading material and readers eyes.
Rapid Analysis Measurement (RAMS)
Hand-held device records respondents feelings by their turning a dial. Right = favorable, vice versa.
GPS Technology
Tracks motorist and pedestrian exposure to outdoor advertising
The People Meter
A microwave computerized rating system that transmits demographic information overnight to measure national TV audiences
Laser Scanners
Read UPC codes on products and produces instantaneous information on sales
Behavior Scan
Shopping with an ID card, tracks each household’s purchases item by item, over time. Panels split to test different products and ad. In-store variables may also be tested.
Internet Tracking
Modeling surfing patterns along with demographic and psychographic data to predict consumer behavior.
Scraping the Web
Used to develop a cohesive message from thousands of conversation threads in newsgroups, chatrooms, listservs, message boards, etc.
InfoScan Tracking
To Benchmark retailer performance against other retailers in the same area
Clickstream data
Steps and behaviors of consumers on their way to information, entertainment, and purchases
Predictive Networks
Software to track every site a Web surfer visits. Builds a digital silhouette or profile.
Vividence Corporation
Recruits Web surfers to fill out a profile sheet which includes demographic and lifestyle information. Uses it’s database to evaluate Web sites.
Conversation Trackers
Createsa summary of comments in newsgroups, listservs, Web based message boards and big corporate email threads.