Chapter 8 Definitions: Middle Adulthood Flashcards
A condition, often brought about by a lack of calcium in the diet which the bones become brittle, fragile and thin
- Women have a greater risk
- Genetic
- A nearly universal change in eyesight during middle adulthood that results in some loss of near vision
- A condition in which pressure in the fluid of the eye increases, either because the fluid cannot drain properly or because too much fluid is produced
Loss of ability to hear sounds of high frequency
Female Climacteric:
The period that marks the transition from being able to bear children to being unable to do so
- age 45- lasting 15 to 20 years
the ceasing of the menstraul cycle
Male Climacteric:
The period of physical and psychological change relating to the male reproductive system that occur during late middle age
Type A behaviour pattern:
Behaviour characterized by competitiveness, impatience and a tendency toward frustration and hostility
- Multitaskers
Type B behaviour pattern:
Behaviour characterized by non competitiveness, patience, and a lack of aggression
- little sense of time urgency
Fluid Intelligence:
Information processing capabilities, reasoning and memory
- genetic factors
Crystallized Intelligence:
- The accumulation of information, skills and strategies that people have learned through experience and that they can apply in problem- solving situations
Organized bodies of information stored in memory
- allowing people to categorize and interpret new information
- e.g schemas for eating at a restaurant -> we know what is like and how to treat the service
Normative- crises models:
- The approach to personality development that is based on fairly universal stages tied to a sequence of age related crises
- People move through a series of stages and crises in their lifespan
Life Events Models:
The approach to personality development that is based on the timing of particular events in an adults life rather than on age per se
- eg. women age 21 having her first child will have the same psychological event as someone going through it at age 39
Generativity versus stagnation:
According to Erikson, the stage during middle adulthood in which people consider their contributions to family and society
- > generativity: making a contribution to family, community and work/ society
- > Stagnation