Chapter 8: Commercial Speech Flashcards
Valentine v. Chrestensen
Facts: Chrestenson is convicted for distributing leaflets about his traveling submarine exhibit and his disdain for New York’s ban on commercial advertisement
Decision: SCOTUS rules in favor of NY
Significance: commercial speech is NOT protected by the first amendment
Bigelow v. Virginia
Facts: Bigelow is convicted under a Virginia law that criminalizes abortion advertisements when he publishes an advertisement for a NY-based clinic in his VA paper
Decision: SCOTUS sides with Bigelow
Significance: Chrestensen is overturned and commercial speech is given constitutional protection
Deceptive Advertising
FTC: a representation, omission, or practice that is likely to mislead the consumer
Virginia State Board of Pharmacy v. Virginia Citizens’ Council
Facts: The citizens’ council challenges a VA law that prohibits pharmacists from advertising the price of prescription drugs (limits competition)
Decision: SCOTUS rules in favor of the citizens. (1) Commercial speech = political speech in a capitalist society (2) The free flow of information allows consumers to act in their own self-interests (reject paternalism)
Two Caveats: (1) advertised products must be legal (2) the advertisement must not be deceptive
Significance: Upholds Bigelow but narrows the scope of protection
Bates v. State Bar of Arizona
Facts: Bates and his partner lose their licenses because the Arizona Bar Association prevents attorneys from advertising their services
Decision: SCOTUS sides with Bates because the services advertised were legal and the ad was not deceptive
Significance: Establishes that professionals have the right to advertise their services
Ohralik v. Ohio State Bar Association
Facts: Ohralik is reprimanded by the Ohio Bar for approaching two accident victims and advertising his services to them
Decision: SCOTUS sides with the Ohio Bar Association
Significance: establishes that face-to-face, individual solicitation of professional services is not protected
Linmark Associates v. Town of Willingboro
Facts: Linmark Associates challenges a Willingboro ordinance that bans commercial real estate signs in an attempt to prevent blockbusting
Decision: SCOTUS sides with Linmark
Significance: commercial signs become a protected form of speech
Central Hudson Gas and Electric v. Public Service Commission
Facts: Central Hudson Gas and Electric challenges a New York law that prevents all advertising for electricity during the oil embargo
Decision: SCOTUS sides with Central Hudson and creates the Central Hudson test for determining when commercial speech can be regulated
Central Hudson Test
1. To qualify for protection the speech must concern lawful activity and not be deceptive
2. To regulate speech, the government must have a substantial interest
3. the regulation must directly advance the governmental interest
4. The regulation cannot be more broad than necessary
Board of Trustees of SUNY v. Fox
Facts: A group of students wants to host a Tupperware party so they challenge a university rule that prevents commercial enterprises from operating in school facilities
Decision: SCOTUS sides with SUNY because the rule passes the Central Hudson Test
Significance: Changes the 4th prong of Central Hudson to require a “reasonable fit” rather than the “least restrictive means”
Cincinnati v. Discovery
Facts: Discovery network sues Cincinnati over a decision to remove free newsstands in an attempt to reduce litter
Decision: SCOTUS sides with Discovery Network because only 62 of the 1,500 - 2,000 racks in the city were removed
Significance: The rule is unconstitutional because it fails the “reasonable fit” test of Central Hudson
44 Liquormart v. Rhode Island Stores Association
Facts: 44 Liquormart is fined for violating a RI law that bans the advertisement of low alcohol prices to curb drinking
Decision: SCOTUS rules in favor of 44 Liquormart because there are other ways to curb drinking without limiting speech
Significance: The rule is unconstitutional because it fails the “reasonable fit” test of Central Hudson
Lorillard Tobacco v. Reily
Facts: Lorillard challenges a Massachusetts law that bans tobacco advertising within 1000 ft of any elementary school, playground, or park in an attempt to prevent advertising to children
Decision: SCOTUS rules that the law is unconstitutional because it constitutes nearly a full ban in some areas
Significance: The rule is unconstitutional because it fails the “reasonable fit” test of Central Hudson