Chapter 8 - Asphyxia Flashcards
What does the term Asphyxia mean ?
“Lack of Oxygen”
Etymology: absence of pulsation
Asphyxial deaths are caused by failure of cells to receive/utilize oxygen ?
Classical features of Asphyxia include all of the following except :
- Petechial haemorrhages
- Congestion/ edema
- Cyanosis
- Postmortem fluidity of blood
- Rigor Mortis
Petechial haemorrhages greater than 2mm are termed ?
What is the cause of Petechial haemorrhages?
An acute rise in venous pressure that in turn causes overdistension and rupture of thin walled peripheral venules.
In what areas are Petechial haemorrhages seen most ?
Skin,sclera,conjuctivae,and serous membranes
What conditions can cause Non-asphyxial petechiae?
Violent sneeze Child birth Electrocution Vomiting Seizures Cardiac death
True /false, petechiae are affected by posture ?
True/false Petechial haemorrhages are specific for asphyxial deaths ?
Regarding congestion /edema, it results from obstruction of venous return ?
In strangulation, what internal organs can become congested?
True/false. Congestion and edema are even more non specific for asphyxia than petechiae?
What is cyanosis ?
Means “dark blue”. It’s a phenomenon resulting from reduced oxyhemoglobin in RBCs in blood.
Atleast reduced by 5g/100mL before cyanosis is evident.
Postmortem fluidity of blood is not characteristic of any cause of death ?
Asphyxial conditions can be classified into mechanical or chemical types. Give examples of each
- Chemical : cyanide poisoning, Carbon monoxide poisoning
2. Mechanical : suffocating, smothering, Gagging/choking, strangulation
What is suffocation ?
Lack of Oxygen in inspired air. Either because there is no air in the environment or blockage of external orifices.
What are some causes of suffocation?
- Plastic bag over head
- Decompression (cabin failure in air crafts @ high altitudes)
- Agricultural hazards
What is smothering?
Mechanical obstruction of the mouth and nose. Tools include : piece of cloth/sheet or hand.
What is Gagging ?
Placing of fabric or object in mouth to cause mechanical obstruction especially due to secretions accumulating in the nasopharynx.
What is choking ?
Asphyxial caused by obstruction within the air passages e.g at level of pharynx or larynx.
Objects : toys,food bolus, dentures
Some classic signs of strangulation include ?
Epistaxis, bleeding from ear, conjunctival haemorrhages
What is traumatic asphyxia ?
External pressure on the thorax preventing respiratory movements.