Chapter 8: Adjectives and Adverbs Flashcards
possessive adjectives demonstrative adjectives adjectives that precede the noun bello buono comparative adjectives superlative adjectives adverb rules of construction adverb placement adverb substitutes
His car
Used when you want to unambiguous that the car is “his” not “hers”
la macchina di lui
My head hurts
Mi fa male la testa
Note, no possessive needed
At my house there are many people
A casa mia ci sono molte persone
The possessive comes after the noun in expressions of fact
My God, how many cars there are!
Dio mio, quante macchine ci sono!
Note: in exclamations, the possessive comes after the noun.
Those ladies are very elegant
Quelle signore sono molto eleganti.
I hope to eat in that restaurant that you suggested.
Spero di mangiare in quel ristorante che tu hai suggerito.
Read this book and do that exercise. (2nd plural)
Leggete questo libro e fate quell’esercizio.
Those squirrels are hungry
Quegli scoiattoli sono fame.
Should I buy this jacket here or that jacket there?
Devo comprare questa giacca qui o quella giacca lì?
When you want to avoid ambiguity between “this” and “that” or “these” and “those” qui or qua (here) and lì or là (there) follow the noun.
Maria is a dear friend.
Maria è una cara amica
(example of an adjective the precedes the noun. see page 130 for a list)
She is a good teacher.
Lei è una brava insegnate.
(example of an adjective the precedes the noun. see page 130 for a list)
It is a good dog
(emphasing the dog is good)
È un cane buono.
(“buono” is an example of an adjective that usually precedes the noun. But it follows the noun for emphasis or contrast.)
They live in a very large house
Abitano in una casa molto grande
(“grande” is an adjective that usually precedes the noun - see list on page 130 - but when modifed by an adverb such as “molto” (very), “abbastanza” (fairly), “piuttosto” (rather) or “troppo” (too much) it must follow the noun)
She has many beautiful rings
Lei ha molti begli anelli.
Those flowers are very fragrant
Quei fiori sono molto profumati.
She is a young girl
Lei è una giovane ragazza
There are few children at the park
Ci sono pochi bambini al parco
There are few shoes in the stores.
Ci sono poche scarpe nei negozi.
He wants another job.
Lui vuole un altro lavoro.
This is the last time we’ll see each other.
Questa è l’ultima volta che ci vediamo.
Tennis is more interesting than football.
Il tennis è più interessante del football.
più…di used when 2 different objects/subjects compared
There are more than thirty kids at the party.
Ci sono più di trenta bambini alla festa.
più…di used before numbers