Chapter 8 Flashcards
What are the types of new services ?
1) Major or radical innovations
2) Start-up businesses
3) New services for the currently served market
4) Service line extensions
5) Service improvements.
6) Style changes.
What is the Service Innovation and Development Process ?
Front-end planning :
0) Business strategy development or review
1) Idea generation
2) Concept development and evaluation
3) Business analysis
Implementation :
4) Service development and testing
5) Market testing
6) Commercialization
7) Post-introduction evaluation
New service strategy matrix for identifying growth opportunities.
What do you do for Existing services to current customers ?
Share building
New services for current customers ?
Service development
Existing services for new customers ?
Market development
New services for new customers ?
What is a service blueprint ?
A tool for simultaneously depicting the service process, the points of customer contact and the evidence of service from the customer’s point of vie.
3 different things in a service blueprint :
1) Process
2) Points of contact
3) Evidence
What are the 6 steps of the service blueprint ?
1) Identify the process to be blueprinted
2) Identify the customer or customer segment
3) Map the process from the customer’s point of view
4) Map contact employee actions, onstage and backstage, and/or technology actions.
5) Link contact activities to needed support functions
6) Add evidence of service at each customer action step
What are the application of service blueprints ?
1) New service development - concept development
2) Supporting a “zero defects” culture - managing relability
3) Service recovery strategies - conducting…
What are the benefits in electronic distribution of services ?
Benefits :
- Consistent…
What are the two service provider participants ?
1) Service principal (originator) - Creates the service concept - like a manufacturer)
2) Service deliverer (intermediary) - Entity that interacts with the customer in the execution of the service (like a distributor/ wholesaler)
What are the service intermediaries ?
1) Franchisees (Ex: MacDonald)
2) Agent and Brokers (Ex: Travel agent, independent insurance agents)
What are the benefits of franchisers of service ?
Benefits :
- Leveraged business format for greater expansion and revenues
- Knowledge of local markets
What are the Challenges of franchises of service ?
The main challenges for franchisers are :
- Difficulty in maintaining and motivating franchisees.
- Control of customer relationship by intermediary.
What are the different variations in demand relative to capacity ?
- Excess demand
- Demand exceeds optimum capacity
- Ideal use
- Excess capacity
What are the capacity constraints ?
The capacity constraints are :
- Time, labour, equipment, and facilities
- Optimal versus maximum use of capacity
What are the demand pattern ?
- Predictable cycles.
- Random demand fluctuations.
What can you do if demand is too high ?
1) Communicate busy days and times to customers
2) Modify timing and location of service delivery
3) Offer incentives for non-peak usage
4) Set priorities by taking care of loyal or high-need usage
5) Charge full price for the service - no discounts.
What can you do if demand is too low ?
1) Schedule downtime during periods of low demand
2) Perform maintenance, renovations.
3) Schedule vacations
4) Schedule employee training
5) Lay off employees
6) Modify or move facilities
What is the Yield ?
Yield = Actual revenue / Potential revenue
What is the revenue management most profitable ?
The revenue management is most profitable where :
1) Relatively fixed capacity
2) The product is sold in advance
3) Fluctuating demand
4) Customers who arrive or reserve early are more price sensitive than those who arrive or reserve late.
What are the Qeuing strategies ?
1) Employ operational logic
2) Establish a reservation process
3) Differentiate waiting customers
4) Make waiting fun, or at least tolerable (put TV on the queue)
What are the issues to consider in making waiting more tolerable ?
1) Unoccupied time feels longer than occupied time
2) Pre-process waits feel longer than in-process waits
3) Unexplained waits seem longer than explained waits.
4) The more valuable the service, the longer the customer will wait
5) Solo waits feel longer than group waits.