Chapter 8-9 Flashcards
What is w’
The amount of work the body can do above critical power (anaerobic energy reserve) measured in kJ
3 types of muscle fibres
- Slow oxidative (Type I)
- Fast oxidative (Type IIa)
- Fast glycolytic (Type IIx)
How do cytochrome-c levels differ in the 3 muscle fibre types when exercise intensity increases?
Type 1: Increases until threshold, then decreases
Type IIa: Increases until threshold, then plateaus
Type IIx: Minor increase to threshold, then even more
How does increasing training distance in endurance sports over time affect the Kreb’s cycle enzyme SDH?
SDH levels increase
Which aspects of training are most important for maintenance of VO2 max when reducing training? Intensity, frequency or duration?
Intensity is most important, then duration, then frequency.
What 3 factors are specific to strength-training
How many hours a day of is optimal when training for skill and efficiency?
2-6 hours
True or False: Training for sport specificity is the most effective way of training
Vo2 max for front row rugby players vs back row players
Front row: 45 ml/kg/min
Back row: 65 ml/kg/min
What is the primary energy system used by football players?
ATP-PCr system
Which muscle fibres are primarily used by pentathletes
Fast twitch
(ATP-PCr and glycolysis systems used primarily)