Chapter 8 Flashcards
leagl process by which the parties to a lawsuit seach for facts relevant to a particular case
Electronically stored information
ESI all computer generated records long long list if it’s electronic it’s esi
informal discovery
talk to witnesses visit the sceen take samples of your own without hiring experts
discovery strategies
start with what takes the longgest
always start with this as it takes the longgesta seris of techniques and tools that involve the use of a wide variety of electronic reasources to conduct discovery of electronically stored information and an efficent and econimical way
web conference
a electronic conference setup that permits individuals at separate locations to meet online via the internet
vido converence
an electronic conference setup that permits several individuals at separate locations to discuss the planing of the case
out-of-court questions and answer session under oath conducted in advance of a lawsuit as part of discovery
written questions requiring written answers under oath and directed to a party in which another party seeks information reated to the litigations
request for the productions of documents
goes with discovery ussuallly with depositions or intorogitories it’s for want for documents
request for a phsical or mental examinations
asks a party to undergo a physical or mentalexaminations provided that the examination involves a condition at issue in the pending actions
request for admissions
asks a party to admit the truth of a certain fact or genuineness of a document so that these issues do not have to be proven at trial
active data
computer-generated records within a computer system that are in current use
inactive data
computer generated records within a computer system that are relatively up to date but aren’t used on a routine basis
computer generated records within a computer system that are stored as a precautionary measure
extant data
computer generated records within a computer system that are hinden in the system generally because they have been deleted
paper data
esi that has been reduced to a hard copy for filing purposes as a safegaurd against the loss of that data caused by the break down of the computer system
esi personnel
people that takecare off esi
computer data about data including such things as a tracking record that shows how the data was compiled who compiled it what it was used for where it stored and so on
characteristics of esi
the proliferation of esi in business and government had led to some critical changes in the straegies used to request retrieve hold protect esi
litigation hold
an order issued by an attorney to a client telling that clients employees and associates to stop the routine handing of all esi
litigation response team
a group of highly trained individuals who are charged with the job of learning all there is to know about the clients e-data system