Chapter 8 Flashcards
Information dependence
Reliance on others for information about how to think, feel, and act.
Social information processing theory
Information from others is used to interpret events and develop expectations about appropriate and acceptable attitudes and behaviours.
Effect dependence
Reliance on others due to their capacity to provide rewards and punishment.
Conformity to a social norm prompted by the desire to acquire punishment.
Conformity to a social norm promoted by perceptions that those who promote the norm are attractive or similar to oneself.
Conformity to a social norm prompted by true acceptance of the beliefs, values, and attitudes that underlie the norm
Process by which people learn the attitudes, knowledge, and behaviours that are necessary for a person to function in a group or organization
Person-job fit
The match between an employee’s knowledge, skills, and abilities and the requirements of a job
3 kinds of fit important for socialization:
1) Person-organization fit
2) Person-group fit
3) Organizational identification
Organizational identification
Extent to which individuals define themselves in terms of the organization and what it is perceived to represent.
Person-group fit
The match between an employee’s values and the values of their work group.
Person-organization fit
The match between an employee’s personal values and the values of an organization.
What is a primary goal for organizational socialization?
Ensure that new employees learn and understand the key beliefs, values, and assumptions of an organization’s culture.
Why is socialization important?
Socialization is important because it has a direct effect on proximal socialization outcomes which lead to distal outcomes.
What are the 3 stages of socialization?
1) Anticipatory socialization
2) Encounter
3) Role Management
Anticipatory socialization
This is the amount of socialization which occurs before a person becomes a member of a certain organization.
Includes a formal process of skill and attitude acquisition.
New recruit encounters the day-to-day reality of their life.
Include orientation programs and rotation through many parts of the organization.
Also includes informal aspects like getting to know and understand the style and personality of one’s boss and co-workers.
Organization and its experienced members are looking for an acceptable degree of conformity to organizational norms and the gradual acquisition of appropriate role behaviour.
Recruits are interested in having their personal needs and expectations fulfilled.
If successful, the recruit will have complied with critical organizational norms and should begin to identify with experienced organizational members.