CHAPTER 8 Flashcards
Process of selecting cues quickly from environment, organizing into a pattern, labeling pattern, and interpreting according to expectation
- Selective attention
- Selective organization
- Selective interpretation
Selective Attention Process
Pick out cues quickly from our cultural landscape
Selective Organization/Labeling Process
Organize our perceptions by grouping similar objects/people/things and labeling them
Selective Interpretation
Attach meanings to the data we receive; often reflects our expectations and biases
Considering the views and standards or your own ingroup as more important than those of any outgroup
Communication Degrees of Ethnocentrism
DISTANCE OF INDIFFERENCE: low ethnocentrism; lack of sensitivity
DISTANCE OF AVOIDANCE: moderate ethnocentrism; attempted linguistic switching and displayed NV inattention in presence of outgroup
DISTANCE OF DISPARAGEMENT: high ethnocentrism; use of racist jokes or hate speech to downgrade outgroup
Development Model of IC Sensitivity
As a person experiences cultural difference in a more nuanced way, competence increases
DMIS States of Ethnocentrism
DENIAL: own culture is only real one
DEFENSE: own (or adopted) culture is only good one
MINIMIZATION: elements of own culture viewed as universals
DMIS States of Ethnorelativism
ACCEPTANCE: own culture is one of many possible diverse cultural experiences
ADAPTATION: experience of another culture yields perceptual shifting and behavioral adaptation
INTEGRATION: intentionally incorporates diverse cultural worldviews
Exaggerated pictures created about a group of ppl based on inflexible beliefs about characteristics/behaviors of group
Stereotype Content Model
Form stereotypes along 2 dimensions:
- Low-High Warmth
- Low-High Competence
Inflexible Stereotyping
Holding on to preconceived/negative stereotypes by operating on autopilot
Flexible Stereotyping
Treating stereotypic images as “1st best guesses” and being aware it’s a stereotype
Ingroup Favoritism Principle
These is a positive attachment to and predisposition for norms of your ingroup
Explanations ascribed to why ppl behave the way they do or why certain events happen