Chapter 8 Flashcards
cognitive neuroscience
an interdisciplinary field involving cognitive psychology, neurology, biology, computer science, linguistics, and specialists from other fields who are interested in the connection between mental processes and the brain
nonconscious process
any brain process that does not involve conscious processing, including both preconscious memories and nonconscious processes
the process in which our brain creates a mental mode of our experience, usually occurring during wakefulness
a process in which consciousness focuses on a single chunk in working memory
simply…readily accessed memories…Freud’s notion that the mind has a special storehouse for information that is not currently in consciousness but readily available to it
all non-conscious mental processes, though in Freudian theory it is a part of the mind that houses emotional memories, desires, and feelings that would be threatening if brought to consciousness
an unconscious state in which a person lacks the normal cycles of sleep and wakefulness which last normally only a few days, it differs from minimally conscious state and persistent vegetative state
a common (and quite normal) variation of consciousness in which attention shifts to memories, expectations, desires, or fantasies and away from our immediate situation
circadian rhythm
a physiological pattern that repeats about every 24 hours, such as the sleep-wakefulness cycle
REM sleep
a stage of sleep that occurs about every 90 minutes, marked by bursts of rapid eye movements under close eyelids and are associated with dreaming
non-REM (NREM) sleep
the recurring periods associated with the deeper stages of sleep with no rapid eye movement
sleep paralysis
a condition where the sleeper is incapable of moving any voluntary muscles except those in the eyes, normally occurring in REM sleep
REM rebound
a condition of increased REM sleep caused by REM-sleep deprivation
sleep debt
a sleep deficiency caused by not getting enough sleep for optimal functioning
manifest content
the story line of a dream taken at face value, without interpretation