Chapter 7.2 Flashcards
language acquisition device
a biologically organized mental structure in the brain that facilitates the learning of language because it is innately programmed with some of the fundamental rules of grammer
the production of repetitive symbols, a characteristic of the early stage of language acquisition
the rules of language
telegraphic speech
short, simple sentences of nouns and verbs without the use of articles, tenses, plurals, etc.
a meaningful unit of language that makes up words; some are whole words (read), others are a combination of units (“read” and “ing”)
cognitive development
the global term for development of thought processes from childhood through adulthood
stage theory
an explanation of development that emphasizes distinctive or rather abrupt changes
in Piaget’s theory, a mental structure or program that guides a person’s thoughts
a mental process that incorporates new information into existing schemas
a mental process that modifies schemas in order to include new information
sensorimotor stage
in Piaget’s theory, the first stage in which the child relies heavily on innate motor responses to stimuli
sensorimotor intelligence
Piaget’s term for the infants approach to the world, relying on relatively simple motor responses
object permanence
the knowledge that an object exists outside of personal awareness
goal-directed behavior
an ability that emerges during the sensorimotor period in which infants develop the ability to keep a single goal in mind and pursue it
mental representation
the ability to form internal images of objects and events