Chapter 8 Flashcards
Who had the greatest impact on Western Civilization, greater than any other man in history?
Jesus of Nazareth.
What two, seemingly contradictory ideas, did Judaism and Christianity embrace?
Faith and Reason.
What allowances were the Jews initially given under Roman rule?
1) A Measure of Self-Government and Self-Rule
2) Freedom to Worship Their God
3) Rome Helped Rebuild the Temple
4) Allowed a Two-Tier Legal System With the Religious Leaders as the Bottom Tier and Rome as the Top Tier.
What were the minority of Jews who disagreed with Roman policy during this time?
The Zealots.
Who did the Romans get to collect the tribute tax from the Jews?
Other Jews.
Why were the tax collectors hated by the Jews?
They were seen as traitors to the Romans. Like little Jewish Benedict Arnolds.
What did the Romans consider Christianity at first?
A splinter group of Judaism.
What four sects pervaded Judaism before Christianity?
Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and Zealots.
Which of the four Jewish sects were politically and religiously liberal?
The Sadducees.
Which of the four Jewish sects were politically and religiously conservative?
The Pharisees.
Which of the four Jewish sects were separatists and quasi-monks?
The Essenes.
Which of the four Jewish sects were feisty patriots?
The Zealots.
How was Christianity treated in the Early Roman Era?
It was given the same protections of Judaism.
How were Christians viewed after Rome conquered Jerusalem in AD 70?
Political subversives, cannibals, and sexually promiscuous and incestuous.
Why did the Church grow and face sustained persecution from 100-313 AD?
It was Counter-Cultural. It operated under a worldview that was entirely at odds with the Greco-Roman Worldview.
Why did Christianity flourish?
1) It was true. There were hundreds of witnesses to proclaim this truth and people eventually agreed Jesus rose from the dead.
What were some of the benefits of Christianity to the Romans?
1) Salvation
2) A Disillusionment at the Ability of Material Wealth To Fulfill Them.
3) An alternative worldview to Roman and Greek emphasis on human reason and pragmatism.
Describe the persecution of the Church in second century Rome?
Sporadic and erratic. It wasn’t programmatic. Some Emperors persecuted Christians, others turned a blind eye to it, or some Emperors only persecuted Christianity for a season.
What were the benefits of the persecution of the early church?
1) Guaranteed only serious believers would proclaim the name of Christ.
2) Earned Christians a measure of respect among non-Christians.
How did early Christians avoid getting arrested?
By worshipping in the catacombs because Roman law prohibited soldiers to make arrests there.
How did the early Church witness?
By merely surviving.
What was the elected leader of Christianity in each city called?
A bishop.
What cities had archbishops?
Constantinople, Antioch, Rome, Alexandria, and Jerusalem.
What two systems of churches evolved between 200-600 AD?
The Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.
What city had the archbishop who was first among equals?
What is the Doctrine of Petrine Supremacy?
That the line of the spiritual descendants of Peter have true authority over the Church.
What was the Council of Nicaea convened to confront?
The heresy of Arianism.
What was the title later claimed by the bishop of Rome?
Pope or Vicar of Christ
What was the main repercussion of Constantine making Christianity a state religion?
It prompted a flow of lukewarm Christians into the Church and perhaps diluted some of the beliefs of the church.
Who were the ascetics?
Monks who went into the desert.
When did the Pax Romana end?
180 AD.
Why did the Roman Empire in the West collapse?
1) The Economic Weakness of the Western portion of the Empire.
2) The Inability to Ensure Stable Political Leadership.
3) The Unconquered Barbarians to the North and the East.
4) A Diminishing Sense of Public Virtue and Basic Morality.
What caused the economic weakness of the Western portion of the Roman Empire?
1) Heavier Taxes
2) Population Decline
3) Less Technological Innovation
4) Wealthy Retreated to Their Lafiuntuda To Avoid Taxation.
What caused the instability of unstable political leadership?
The lack of a clear succession plan caused new rulers to be beholden to those who fought to secure them the power in the first place. That meant capable leaders couldn’t even get anything done.
What strengthened the Germanic tribes around Rome?
1) Rome gave them military technology and tactics.
2) Contact with Rome United the Germanic Tribes.
3) Rome Also Gave Them A Strong Economic and Political Framework to Follow.
Why did Diocletian suceed in saving the Roman Empire?
1) He was practical.
2) He tolerated no dissension.
What did Diocletian fail to solve that later doomed Rome?
The problem of emperor succession.
How did Diocletian show his practicality?
1) Split the Empire
2) Issued Bold Edicts Like Price Ceilings and Preventing Job Transfers to Solve Economic Problems
3) Used the Military to Create Discipline in the Empire.
How did Diocletian demonstrate his intolerance for dissension?
1) He claimed to be the god Jupiter
2) Forced visitors to lie face-down on the floor when they approached him.
3) He built a 2,000 room palace to shock and awe his subjects into submission.
What experience did Constantine have that made him religious?
He saw a sign in the sky of a cross along with the words in this sign you will conquer. He painted the cross on his men’s shields and they won the battle. He became a Christian after that.
What Edict gave the Roman people complete freedom of worship?
The Edict of Milan
What was Constantinople established as?
A Christian City.
Who made Christianity the official State religion?
Who succeeded Constantine?
What did the latifunda show the beginnings of?
The feudal manners of the Middle Ages.
Who invaded the Roman Empire that united the Germanic and Roman peoples?
The Huns under Atilla the Hun.
Who fought in the Battle of Adrianople? Who won?
The Visigoths and the Romans. The Visigoths.
Why did the Germanic people attack Rome?
To gain concessions from Rome not to conquer it.
When did Rome collapse in the West?
476 AD.
Name the Group of People who controlled each territory in 500 AD:
Italy, Gaul, Spain, Britain, North Africa.
Italy - Ostrogoths Gaul - Franks Spain - Visigoths Britain - Angles and Saxons North Africa - Vandals
How did the Germanic people preserve Roman culture?
1) Respected Rome as Cultural Superiors
2) Had Their Children Educated in Roman Culture and Education.
3) Roman government and institutions were used by the Germanic people.
4) The Church converted thousands of Germanic people to Christianity.
What three parts of history are often spoken of in regard to the Dark Ages?
Early Middle Ages, Late Middle Ages, and the Renaissance and Reformation
What is the date of the Middle Ages?
What three civilizations took shape after the fall of Rome?
1) Western Christendom
2) Eastern Roman Empire
3) Islamic Civilizations.