Chapter 8 Flashcards
- the study of a population
- analyzes the size and composition of a population
- how and why people move from place to place
- demographers collect data that affects population
- is the incidence of child-bearing in a country’s population
- Demographers describe fertility with CRUDE BIRTH RATE
Crude Birth Rate
the number of live births in a given year for every 1000 people in a population
- death in a countries population
crude death rate/infant morality rate
1) a number of deaths in a given year for every 1000 people in a population
2) the number of deaths among infants under one year of age for every 1000 live births in a given year
net migration
the difference between the in-migration rate and the out-migration rate
population growth
- rich nations grow as much from natural increase as from immigration
- poor nations almost entirely grow of natural increase
population composition
demographers use age-sex pyramids to show the composition of a population graphically and to project population trends
life expectancy
the average lifespan of a countries population
the number of males for every 100 females
History of world population growth
- historically, world population grew slowly because of high birth rates were offset by high death rates
- 1750: demographic transition began, population grew sharply due to a decrease in death rates
- Thomas Malthus was worried that population would outgrow the ability to produce food resulting in social calamity
demographic transition theory
the technological advances that gradually slow population increase
-currently world is gaining 83 million people each year, with 97 percent of its increase taking place in poor countries
-world population expected to reach 9 billion by 2050
-4 stages of demographic transition:
1-high birth and death rates, pre-industrial, very slow pop growth
2-high birth rates, declining death rates, early industrial, rapid pop growth
3-slowing birth rates, low death rates, mature industrial, slowing pop growth
4-low birth and death rates, post-industrial, very slow pop growth
zero population growth
the rate of reproduction that maintains population at a steady level
First urban revolution
- began with first appearances of cities 10 000 years ago
- 2000 years ago cities had emerged in most regions in world except for antartica and north america
- pre-industrial cities have low rising buildings, narrow & winding streets, and personal social ties
second urban revolution
- began about 1750 as industrial revolution took over most of europe
- physical form of cities changed as planners created wide , regular streets to facilitate commerce
- the emphasis on business, as well as the increasing size of cities, made urban life more impersonal
third urban revolution
- now occurring in poor countries
- today, most of worlds largest cities are found in less developed nations
urbanization in Canada
- going for about 300 years
- urbanization came to canada with british and french settlers
- by 1800, 100’s of cities founded in US but in Canada there were only 15 families living between burlington bay and the bay of quinte (200 km apart)
- today more then 80 percent of canada’s population is urbanized
- many of our cities and their suburbs are strung together jn metropolitan areas
- The golden horseshoe contains one-third of canada’s population and windsor quebec city corridor contains about half
large city that socially and economically dominates an urban area
urban areas beyond the political boundaries of a city
a vast urban region containing a number of cities and their surrounding suburbs
a type of social organization in which people are closely tied by kinship and tradition
a type of social organization in which people come together on the basis of individual self interest
urban ecology
the study of the link between the physical and social dimensions of cities
Ferdinard Tonnies (European sociologist studying ideas between rural and urban life)
- built analysis on concepts of gesellschaft and gemeinschaft
- gemeinschaft was a typical of rural village, joins people in what amounts to a single primary group
- gesellschaft, typical of modern city, describes individuals motivated by there own needs rather than by a desire to help improve the well being of the community
emile durkheim
- agreed with Tonnies thinking but claimed that urbanites do not lack social bonds; the basis of social solidarity simply differs in two settings :
- mechanical solidarity: social bonds based on common sentiments and shared moral values. traditional rural life.
- organic solidarity: social bonds based on specialization and interdependence. this type of social solidarity is typical of modern, urban life.
Georg Simmel (europe)
claimed that the overstimulation of city life produced a blasé attitude in urbanites
Robert Park (US)
at university of chicago, claimed that cities permit greater social freedom
Louis Wirth (US)
saw large, dense, heterogeneous populations creating an impersonal and self-interested, though tolerable way of life.
environment and social life
- state of environment is social issue because it reflects how human beings organize social life.
- more complex a society’s technology , the greater capacity it has to alter the natural environment
the study of interaction of living organisms and the natural environment
natural environment
earths surface and atmosphere, including living organisms, air, water, soil and other resources necessary to sustain life
system composed of the interaction of all living organisms and their natural environment
environmental deficit
profound long-term harm to the natural environment caused by humanity’s focus on short-term material affluence
environmental racism
patterns of development that expose poor people, especially minorities, to environmental hazards
-conflict theory draws attention to this pattern
ecologically sustainable culture
a way of life that meets the needs of the present generation without threatening the environmental legacy of future generations
logic-growth thesis
supports economic development, claiming that people can solve environmental problems as they arise
limits-to-growth thesis
states that societies must curb development to prevent eventual environmental collapse
disposing of solid waste
54 percent of what we throw away ends up in landfills, which are filling up and can pollute groundwater
protecting quality of water and air
supply of clean water is already low in some parts of the world. industrial technology has caused a decline in air quality
protecting the rain forests
rainforests help remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and are home to a large stare of this planets living species. under pressure from development, the worlds rain forests are now half there original sizes and are shrinking 1 percent annually