Chapter 8 Flashcards
- the study of a population
- analyzes the size and composition of a population
- how and why people move from place to place
- demographers collect data that affects population
- is the incidence of child-bearing in a country’s population
- Demographers describe fertility with CRUDE BIRTH RATE
Crude Birth Rate
the number of live births in a given year for every 1000 people in a population
- death in a countries population
crude death rate/infant morality rate
1) a number of deaths in a given year for every 1000 people in a population
2) the number of deaths among infants under one year of age for every 1000 live births in a given year
net migration
the difference between the in-migration rate and the out-migration rate
population growth
- rich nations grow as much from natural increase as from immigration
- poor nations almost entirely grow of natural increase
population composition
demographers use age-sex pyramids to show the composition of a population graphically and to project population trends
life expectancy
the average lifespan of a countries population
the number of males for every 100 females
History of world population growth
- historically, world population grew slowly because of high birth rates were offset by high death rates
- 1750: demographic transition began, population grew sharply due to a decrease in death rates
- Thomas Malthus was worried that population would outgrow the ability to produce food resulting in social calamity
demographic transition theory
the technological advances that gradually slow population increase
-currently world is gaining 83 million people each year, with 97 percent of its increase taking place in poor countries
-world population expected to reach 9 billion by 2050
-4 stages of demographic transition:
1-high birth and death rates, pre-industrial, very slow pop growth
2-high birth rates, declining death rates, early industrial, rapid pop growth
3-slowing birth rates, low death rates, mature industrial, slowing pop growth
4-low birth and death rates, post-industrial, very slow pop growth
zero population growth
the rate of reproduction that maintains population at a steady level
First urban revolution
- began with first appearances of cities 10 000 years ago
- 2000 years ago cities had emerged in most regions in world except for antartica and north america
- pre-industrial cities have low rising buildings, narrow & winding streets, and personal social ties
second urban revolution
- began about 1750 as industrial revolution took over most of europe
- physical form of cities changed as planners created wide , regular streets to facilitate commerce
- the emphasis on business, as well as the increasing size of cities, made urban life more impersonal
third urban revolution
- now occurring in poor countries
- today, most of worlds largest cities are found in less developed nations