Chapter 8 Flashcards
What does fund accounting enable service and mission-driven organizations to easily monitor?
Fund accounting enables the gov’t organization to easily monitor compliance with spending purpose (legal restrictions), spending limits (budget and financial control), and other fiscal accountability objectives.
What is the purpose of presenting separate fund financial statements?
To report additional and detailed information about the primary government.
What is a fund?
A fund is a fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and other financial resources, together with all related liabilities and residual equities or balances , and changes herein.
Name 5 governmental funds and what focus:
- modified accrual and current measurement focus
a. General
b. special Revenue
c. debt Service
d. capital Projects
e. Permanent
Name 2 proprietary funds and what focus:
- accrual and economic resources measurement focus
a. internal Service
b Enterprise
Name 4 fiduciary funds and what focus:
- accrual and economic resources measurement focus
a. Pension
b. Agency
c. Private purpose
d. Investment trust
What fund balances represent resources whose use has been limited by external sources such as creditors, contributors, other governments, laws, constitutional provisions or enabling legislation?
restricted fund balances
What fund balance represents resources in a form that cannot be spent (inventories or prepaid expenditures) or are legally or contractually required to remain whole?
non-spendable fund balances
What fund balance represents resources that can only be used for specific purposes pursuant to constraints imposed by formal action of the government’s highest level of decision-making authority?
committed fund balances. this is the most restrictive classification of governmental funds.
What fund balances are constrained by the government’s intent to be used for specific purposes, but are neither restricted nor committed?
Assigned fund balances
What is the paramount objective of financial reporting by state and local government?
governmental (and not-for-profit_ organization reporting is designed to demonstrate the accountability of each organization for the stewardship of the resources in their care.
What is the prescribed format for the presentation of the statement of financial position of a governmental fund (the equation)
Assets and deferred outflows of resources = liabilities and deferred inflows of resources + fund balance
Which type of tax revenues represent taxes imposed on or derived from exchange transactions such as commerical sales
derived (non-exchange) tax revenues
what does the appropriation account represent?
Appropriations is a budgetary account. This account represents the governmental units approved spending.
What does the expenditure account represent?
Expenditures represent the total amount incurred, whether paid in cash or accrued as vouchers payable, and serve to reduce available appropriations.
Vouchers payable are included in expenditures.
what does the encumbrance account represent?
Encumbrances are either commitments or assignments of the fund balance for purchase orders and represent a reduction of available appropriations.
What is the JE recorded for when a PO is issued?
Dr. Encumbrances
Cr. Budgetary Control
On what basis does GASB recommend that governmental fund budgets be prepared?
Modified accrual.