Chapter 8 Flashcards
Emperor Decius
wanted people to worship him as a god
Emperor Diocletian
wanted to be worshiped as a god, issued “Great Persecution” (killed 1000s of Christians, confiscated church property, burned Christian books)
Emperor Constantine
Became emperor after winning the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, granted Edict of Milan
Edict of Milan
Granted religious tolerance throughout the Roman Empire and giving Christians the freedom to worship openly
What did Emperor Constantine do for the people of Rome?
- Made Rome a Christian city
- Built a great basilica over the tomb of St. Peter
- Made Sunday a gov’t holiday and Easter and Christmas
- Gave buildings back and restored them to Christians
- Banned Pagan worship
Emperor Theodosius I
made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire
Old Testament
the books that recall the relationship of God with the people of Israel, covers from creation to the covenant, contains writings of Prophets and history of Israel
Scholar who tried to exclude the Old Testament from the Church (Church said No)
studied and explained Scripture
developed a vocabulary of terms with which to describe the faith
St. John Chrysosotom
great preacher whose name means “golden mouth”
Saint Jerome
translated the Bible into Latin from Greek and Hebrew
a belief or collection of beliefs that rejects one or more of the revealed truths of faith
claimed that God’s real revelation was available only as secret knowledge to a select few
claimed that Jesus was less than DIVINE
Why were important works of the Fathers written?
to defend the truths of the faith against heretics
Greek and means the “whole world”
What did Emperor Constantine do in 325?
He summoned all Bishops of the Church to a council in Nicaea (modern day Turkey)
Council at Chalcedon
451, considered greatest of first 4 ecumenical councils, Bishops affirmed the teachings of Pope Leo the great
What did Pope Leo teach?
He said that Jesus was one person with two different natures (human and divine) and that the two natures did not interfere with or compromise each other.
Who was Emperor Constantine’s mother?
How many books are in the New Testament?
The Church’s official list of sacred scripture
How many books are in the Bible?
What happened in Nicaea?
A priest from Alexandria named Arius was preaching that Jesus was a little more than human but not fully divine. His teachings became very popular and his followers were called “Arians.” Emperor Constantine summoned all the bishops of the Church to a council in Nicaea (Turkey). This was the first ecumenical council. The Arian heresy was condemned and the council set down a creed.
Why was the Council at Chalcedon considered the greatest?
It was considered the greatest because had the Church affirmed the teachings of Pope Leo, the Church could have been formed entirely differently.
A statement of Christian beliefs