Chapter 8 Flashcards
is a problem faced by all the nations, whether rich or poor. In pursuing the task of growth, each nation has to take a reflection look at its own resources, and plot its own
course towards growth
Economic Growth
is aimed not only at increased production, but also at the proper use of
the nation’s resources. It involves the whole economy- every aspect of it. It means specifying the
challenges and meeting them
Economic Growth
Yardstick of Economic growth
is related to a quantitative sustained increase in the country’s per capita output or income accompanied by expansion in its labor force, consumption capital and volume of trade.
Economic Growth
is accompanied by changes in the economic and social structure of a
country. The main structural changes that occur are those which affect the pattern of demand,
production, labor allocation and urbanization.
Economic growth
is a branch of economics that deals with the study of macroeconomic causes of long- term economic growth.
Economic Development
__________ is a phenomenon which occurs over a long period of time
but _____________ is increase in GNP which can occur when we are able to achieve increase in number of resources or increase in technology or by the combination of both
Development, Economic Growth
defines growth as an expansion of the system in one or more dimensions
without a change in its structure and development as an innovative process leading to the structural transformation of social systems.
Milton Friedman
argues development is about outcomes - development occurs with
the reduction and elimination of poverty, inequality and unemployment within a growing economy
Professor Dudley Seers
Three Core Values of Development
- Sustenance: The ability to meet basic needs
- Self- esteem: To be a person.
- Freedom from Servitude: To be able to choose
All people have certain basic needs without which life would be impossible. These life- sustaining basic human needs include food, shelter, health, and protection.
Sustenance: The Ability to meet basic needs
A _______________ of the good life is self- esteem- a sense of worth and self- respect, of not being used as a tool by others for their
own ends.
Self esteem: To be a person, second universal
that we suggest should constitute the
meaning of development is the concept of human freedom.
Freedom from Servitude: To be able to choose