Chapter 8 Flashcards
Who did Frodo suddenly worry that he had not said goodbye to as they left Tom Bombadil’s house?
Lady Goldberry
What was strange about the single stone they came across on their journey?
The sun couldn’t seem to warm it. It was standing alone. After
while a mist came around them seeming to trap them by the stone.
What hopeful sign did Frodo see after they left the stone?
The North Gate
What caused Frodo’s hope to turn to bewilderment and alarm?
The dark seemed to get darker and two huge standing stones that he didn’t remember being there before.
When Frodo passed the stones, what did he notice that frightened him?
He was alone
What thin cry did Frodo hear coming from the mist?
Help, help!
What loomed against the Western stars?
A dark black shape, A barrow
What grabbed Frodo with a chilling touch?
A Barrow Wight
Who did Frodo see as he lay on his back on the cold stone?
Sam, Merry,and Pippin
What lay on the necks of Sam, Merry, and Pippin?
The naked blade of one large sword
What did Frodo hear as he lay in the cold still Borrows?
Ghostly songs and incantations
What did Frodo see moving toward the sword?
A long arm walking on its fingers
What did Frodo do to address the threat coming toward him and his friends?
He used his last bit of strength to seize a short sword and strike the arm, cutting it off at the wrist.
How did Frodo defeat the Wight?
He sang a song and Tom Bombadil came and sang a song that vanquished it
What did Tom return with after he left into the woods?
their five ponies plus one more named Fatty Lumpkin
What did Tom Bombadil give the Hobbits from the Wight’s treasure?
Long daggers