Chapter 79 Peripheral Sympathetic Blocks Flashcards
KEY POINTS 1. The stellate ganglion is located just anterior or lateral to the longus colli muscle between the base of the seventh cervical transverse process and the neck of the first rib. 2. The appearance of Horner’s syndrome does not signify sympathetic blockade of the upper extremity. 3. The evidence for the efficacy of stellate ganglion blocks is based mostly on case reports. 4. The risks of potential complications with stellate ganglion blocks are rare, but real, and may be decreased
indications for sympathetic blockade
Sympathetic blocks can be used for diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic purposes. Diagnostic blocks are done to determine if the pain is sympathetically mediated or not. Prognostically, the blocks are done to determine if neurolysis or surgical sympathectomy could be beneficial. Finally, therapeutic blocks (usually in a series with local anesthetics) are done to treat conditions such as complex regional pain syndromes (CRPSs), phantom limb pain,1 postherpetic
neuralgia, and ischemic and cancer pain
The cervical sympathetic trunk contains three interconnected
the superior, middle, and inferior cervical ganglia
In 80% of people the lowest cervical ganglion is
fused with the first thoracic ganglion to form
cervicothoracic (stellate) ganglion. If not connected, the first thoracic ganglion is labeled as the stellate ganglion. The
ganglion is oval shaped and measures 2.5 cm long, 1 cm
wide, and 0.5 cm thick
The cervical ganglia receive preganglionic fibers from
the lateral gray column of the spinal cord; the myelinated
preganglionic cell axons originate from the anterolateral horn of the spinal cord.
The nerve fibers emerge from
the upper thoracic spinal cord through the ventral spinal root,
joining the spinal nerves at the start of the ventral rami.
They leave the spinal nerve through the white rami
communicantes, which enter the corresponding thoracic
ganglia, through which they ascend into the neck.
The preganglionic fibers for the head and neck emerge from
upper five thoracic spinal nerves (mainly the upper three), ascending in the sympathetic trunk to synapse in the cervical
The preganglionic fibers supplying the upper limb originate from
the upper thoracic segment, probably T2–T6; ascend via the sympathetic trunk to synapse in the
cervicothoracic ganglion, where postganglionic fibers pass to the brachial plexus
The white ramus to the cervicothoracic ganglion
most of the preganglionic fibers for the head and neck; these ascend the trunk to the superior cervical ganglion from which postganglionic branches supply vasoconstrictor and sudomotor nerves to the face and neck, secretory fibers to the salivary glands, dilator
pupillae, and nonstriated muscle in the eyelid and orbitalis
Blockade of the white ramus to the cervicothoracic ganglion
leads to Horner’s syndrome
(Horner’s syndrome
ptosis, miosis, enophthalmos, and loss of sweating of the face and neck.
The cervicothoracic ganglion
sends gray ramus communicantes to
the seventh and
eighth cervical and first thoracic nerves and gives off a
cardiac branch, branches to nearby vessels, and sometimes a branch to the vagus nerve.
To achieve successful sympathetic denervation of the
head and neck, one should block
the stellate ganglion
because all preganglionic nerves either synapse or pass
through the ganglion on their way to the more cephalad ganglia.
Blood vessels of the upper limb beyond the first part of the axillary artery receive their sympathetic supply via
branches of the adjacent brachial plexus
first and second (and occasionally the third) intercostal nerves may be interconnected by
postganglionic fibers from their gray rami; these fibers provide another pathway by which postganglionic nerves pass from the upper thoracic ganglia to the brachial plexus. These anomalous pathways have been termed Kuntz’s nerves and are implicated in cases of inadequate relief of sympathetic mediated pain despite evidences of cervical
ganglia block
The cervical sympathetic chain
lies anterior to the prevertebral fascia. It is enclosed within the lateral aspect of the alar fascia (the thin layer of fascia immediately anterior to the prevertebral fascia that separates the cervical sympathetic chain from the retropharyngeal space). It is medial to the carotid sheath.
The carotid
sheath is connected to
the alar fascia by a variable
mesothelium-like fascia.
The fascial plane enclosing the
cervical sympathetic chain may be in direct communication with several spaces including
the space in front of the scalenus anterior muscle, the brachial plexus, spinal nerve roots, the prevertebral portion of the vertebral artery, and between the endothoracic fascia and the thoracic
wall muscle at the T1–T2 level. These communications
may explain some of the side effects of stellate ganglion block.
In the upper thorax the thoracic sympathetic
chain lies lateral to the
longus colli muscle and
posterior to the endothoracic fascia, which is the inferior continuation of the prevertebral fascia. The cervicothoracic ganglion lies on or just lateral to the longus colli muscle between the base of the seventh cervical transverse process and the neck of the first rib (which are posterior to the ganglion), the vertebral vessels are anterior, and the nerve roots that contribute to the inferior portion of the brachial plexus are posterior to the ganglion.
The vertebral artery
originates from the subclavian artery, passes anterior to the ganglion at C7 and enters the vertebral foramen, posterior to
the anterior tubercle of C6 in 90% of cases
Potential Indications for Stellate Ganglion
Complex regional pain syndrome, types I and II
Vascular insufficiency–Raynaud’s syndrome, vasospasm, vascular disease
Accidental intra-atrial injection of drug
Postherpetic neuralgia and acute herpes zoster
Phantom pain
Complex regional pain syndrome, breast and postmastectomy pain
Quinine poisoning
Hyperhidrosis of upper extremity
Cardiac arrhythmias
Vascular headaches
Neuropathic pain syndromes including central pain
Cancer pain
Facial pain—atypical and trigeminal neuralgia
Hot flashes
Surface Landmark (Non–Image Guided) TECHNIQUE
Positioning and Landmarks
the patient is positioned supine with the neck slightly extended. A small shoulder roll may be placed but is not necessary. The mouth can be slightly opened to relax the neck muscles. The cricoid cartilage is palpated to
find the C6 level and, more specifically, the transverse
process. The skin crease just caudal to the thyroid may be
helpful as it is found to cross the C6 transverse process in
71% of cases. The Chassaignac’s tubercle at C6 is identifiedwith palpation. he carotid is retracted slightly laterally while local anesthetic is placed intradermally with a 27-gauge needle. This is followed by the placement of either 22-gauge Quincke or pencil-point needle perpendicularly in an anterior to posterior fashion until the needle contacts bone and then withdrawn 2 mm. After negative aspiration, 0.5 to 1 ml of local anesthetic is
injected slowly while the patient is awake and responsive to detect aberrant spread of the local anesthetic to surrounding structures. If negative, 5 to 8 ml of 0.25% bupivacaine is injected incrementally with frequent aspiration. The patient is then monitored for a minimum of 30 min to assess response to the blockade.
In most individuals, the Chassaignac’s tubercle is
approximately 3 cm cephalad to the sternoclavicular
joint at the medial border of the sternocleidomastoid
The trachea and carotid pulse is palpated gently by
placing the index and middle fingers between the sternocleidomastoid
muscle and the trachea.
Fluoroscopic Technique:
Once the patient is in proper position, the fluoroscope is
brought in and a posteroanterior image is taken. The vertebrae are counted and both the C6 and C7 levels are
noted along with the trachea. The C7 level is preferred because of its closer proximity to the stellate ganglion, but the vertebral artery is uncovered at this level unlike at the C6 level where the vertebral artery travels posterior to Chassaignac’s tubercle. If the C7 level is the final location of the needle tip, then it is important to keep the needle more medial on the transverse process to avoid the vertebral artery. After local anesthetic infiltration, a 25- or 22-gauge 1.5- or 2-inch needle is advanced coaxially to the anterior transverse process of the chosen level.Once contact is made, the needle is withdrawn 2 mm so that it is not in contact with periosteum. A lateral image maybe taken to confirm that the needle is anterior to the vertebral body,
but is not always necessary. A pre-contrast flushed extension
set is connected to the needle and, after negative aspiration for blood, under live, real-time fluoroscopy, or digital subtraction angiography, 1 to 5 ml of contrast is injected. The optimal spread of contrast should cover the C6–T2 levels to ensure blockade of the stellate ganglion. A test dose is then injected with 0.5 to 1 ml of
1% lidocaine through the extension tubing (to minimize
needle movement) assuring that the local anesthetic passes
through the tubing. After a negative test dose, ~ 5 to 10 ml of local anesthetic is injected incrementally
The greater the volume injected,
the greater the likelihood of
spread to the recurrent laryngeal nerve, phrenic nerve, or brachial plexus. It is important to intremittently aspirate during the injection.
Other Fluoroscopic Approaches
The head is then turned to the side opposite to be blocked. The fluoroscope is brought in to demarcate the C5–C6 disc on AP view. The C-arm is then rotated ipsilateral oblique until the foramina are clearly demarcated. The target of the injection is the junction of the uncinate process and the vertebral body of C7. A 25-gauge needle is then passed coaxially with the fluoroscope beam until it reaches the target. As with all image-guided procedures, it is important to keep the needle coaxial and, in this case, avoid the needle going posterior into the foramina (direct entry into the thecal sac). Once contact with bone occurs, the stylet is removed and contrast is injected as described above in the previous section. Three to 5 ml of local anesthetic is all that is needed to block the stellate ganglion with this technique
Other Fluoroscopic Approaches
advantage of the technique
the needle is placed obliquely to allow for placement at C7 while avoiding the vertebral artery (which is anterior to the stellate ganglion) and the pleural dome in non-emphysematous patients.
l Eliminates pushing away vasculature and pressing on
the potentially painful Chaissagnac’s tubercle
l Minimizes the chance of intravascular injection
l Minimizes esophageal perforation
l Minimizes the chance of recurrent laryngeal nerve
l Reduces the volume of local anesthetic
l Easy to teach trainees
Ultrasound Approach
A linear-array, 3- to 12-MHz frequency probe is placed transversely at the level of C6, just lateral to the trachea. Fluoroscopy may be utilized initially to identify the C6 level. Under real-time ultrasound
imaging, 5 ml of 0.25% bupivicaine were injected in
divided doses demonstrating excellent caudal and cephalad
spread. Appropriate sympathetic blockade was monitored and achieved based on the presence of Horner’s syndrome and increased extremity temperature without recurrent laryngeal nerve blockade.