Chapter 7: Vulnerabilities Resilient And Children Rights Flashcards
What are the vulnerabilities of child development
Family influence: play role in social emotional and cognitive development. Urbanisation.
Divorce: children show psychological Behavioural problems academic underperformance and interpersonal problem.
Children have poor relationship with father’s.
Factors of child reaction to divorce include
Degree of conflict before and after divorce higher conflict before lower the psychological well being of children.
Stability after divorce
Nature of parent child relationship
Age of child
Level of social support
Information given to children
Uniqueness of child
Gender of the child
Discuss influence of step families
Children may regard presence of step relations as violation of relationship with parent and view them as reason for divorce. Competition may arise results on conflict between child and step parents.
What are single parent families
Refers to a situation that has arisen through absence of a parent due to divorce seperation migrant labor or death.
This has financial implications. Delinquency seems more frequent. Poor interpersonal relationships.
What is the impact on adopted children
These children are at risk of emotional problems learning difficulty aggression drug use.
Cross racial adoption: adoption of children of one race by parents of another called transracial or interracial adoption.
What are child headed households
Is defined as a household in which all members are younger than 18 and refers to a situation where both parents are absent and children are compelled to take over the adult duties.
How are homosexual families viewed
Children raised by homosexual parents are no more likely to become than children raised by heterosexual couples.
These children compare favourably with other children concerning self concept interpersonal relationships emotional problems antisocial behaviour academic performance and social skills
Children with homosexual parents are emotionally stable and have few problems than those with single parents
Who are classified as street children
Children of the street are those who live and work on the street and have no family support
Children on the street work on the street and spend most of Thier time on the street but return to family at end of the day.
What is maltreatment
Neglect: refers to failure to provide for the basic needs of children. Physical neglect involves inadequate supervision housing nutrition medical attention
Emotional neglect occurs where basic psychological care isn’t met
Educational neglect involves failing to provide education for the child.
Physical abuse: refers to physical acts of aggression like punching slapping etc.
Sexual abuse: refers to any illegal sexual act committed against a child. It includes rape touching of genitals sodomy exhibitionism etc.
Signs of abuse may include fear anxiety fatigue depression.
Emotional abuse: includes belittling and humiliation rejection etc.
Racism: refers to discriminate against people because they belong to a different racial group.
What is and the effects of poverty
Poverty is more than lack of resources but affect psychological physical development: healthy nutrition housing education and employment. Self esteem and mental health.
Poor children suffer more from health problems
Impairment on intelligence and academic performance
More exposure to parents that use harsh discipline
More likely to develop social and emotional problems.
What is substance abuse
Poses physical aliments
Psychological consequences
Reasons for substance abuse are genetic predisposition
Tendency towards sensation seeking.
Emotional and psychological problems
Family problems
Peer pressure like false self conviction.
What is the affects of AIDS
AIDS= acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
HIV= human immunodeficiency virus.
No cure but antiretroviral treatment available.
HIV contracted through unprotected sex with infected person, infected mother to newborn baby and contact with infected blood.
Changes in family composition: Role changes Education Stigmatisation Traumatic exposure to suffering and death Emotional deprivation Economic decline Mental health
What is suicide
Mental health: depression leading cause of suicide behavior.
Genetic factors:
Homosexual and abused children:
Troubled family relationships: lacking affection and emotional support.
Stressful and traumatic life events
What is effect of community violence
Refers to exposure to acts of violence in neighborhood where person and Thier families live.
Concerning location of violence: narrow definition of community violence doesn’t include violence that occurs at home school or media. Refers to riots use of weapons mugging and crimes in public areas.
Broader definition also includes violence committed in one’s home school media or any other place in the community. Non relatedness between perpetrator and victim is also not a precondition means that violence such as sexual physical and emotional abuse committed by an acquaintance also meets community violence
Concerning duration of the violence: narrow definition requires violence must be chronic. The broader definition includes short term exposure to violence.
Children exposed to violence also experience poverty neglect poor nutrition substance abuse etc.
What factors influence child responses
Nature of violence: family community political violence. Range in severity.
Duration and intensity of exposure
Involvement in violence:
Mental health history
Child’s age
Child’s gender pre adolescent boys show stress related symptoms with regards to exposure to violence.
Child temperament:
Availability of social support
Past exposure to violence
Scholastic performance
Socio economic status of child
Child’s appraisal of violence
Children experience of hope
How do children react to death.
Age 0-2 infants don’t recognize death even though they experience feeling of loss and seperation.
Age 3-5 children dont fully seperate death from life and may believe deceased continue to live.
Age 6-9 become curious about death.
Age 10-18 realise that death is inevitable and realise its final and can’t be reversed.
What is trauma and how do children respond to it
Refers to experience that’s emotionally painful distressing or shocking which result in lasting mental and physical effects.
Reactions to trauma differ from child to child.
Traumatised children may show symptoms that differ to others.
Reactions to a traumatic event don’t necessarily occur immediately after event.
Sleeper effect: a delay in the emergence of symptoms after trauma.
Reactions to trauma vary according to age.
What are possible age revelant reactions to trauma
Infants may cry excessively have sleeping and eating problems
Early childhood: may be confused by what they see and told. They may exhibit fear of abandonment and are clingy.
Middle childhood: behavior problem difficulty in concentration and attention poor academic performance poor social skills and aggressive behaviour.
Adolescence: behavior become more excessive alcohol and drug abuse involvement in gangs truancy and sexual promiscuity.
What is resilience
It is the ability to cope with or recover from difficult or challenging life experiences. One point of positive psychology which is the scientific study and promotion of the optimal functioning and well being of the individual. It studies the strengths virtues and skills that enable individual to thrive.
Cultural resilience also plays a role. Factors that can break down resilience are
Unacceptable and severe punishment
Belittling children
Overprotection of children
Overemphasizing obedience to exclusion of development of inner strength.
Not discussing sexuality
Not providing children with climate and opportunities conductive to asking for help.
What strategies may be used to to develop and improve resilience
Encourage child to establish and build positive relationships.
Help children make sense of their experiences
Help children exercise some control over their experiences
Provide routine
Don’t overreact
Develop child’s self esteem and self efficacy
Teach the child a sense of humour
Encourage children to talk about their feelings
What strategies may be used to to develop and improve resilience
Encourage child to establish and build positive relationships.
Help children make sense of their experiences
Help children exercise some control over their experiences
Provide routine
Don’t overreact
Develop child’s self esteem and self efficacy
Teach the child a sense of humour
Encourage children to talk about their feelings
Discuss the rights of children
Children among most vulnerable in society and dependent on others.
The convention of the rights of the child state that children should have the right to
Develop to the fullest
Be protected from harmful influences abuse and exploitation
Participate fully in family cultural social life
What are the 4 core principles of the convention
Non discrimaton
Devotion to best interest of child
Right to life survival development
Respect for views of child