Chapter 7 Vocab Flashcards
amor, amōris
(3m.) love
carmen, carminis
(3n.) song, poem
cīvitās, cīvitātis
(3f.) state, citizenship
corpus, corporis
(3n.) body
homō, hominis
(3m.) human being, man
labor, labōris
(3m.) labor, work, toil;
a work, production
littera, litterae
(1f.) a letter of the alphabet
litterae, litterārum
(1f. pl) a letter (epistle), literature
mōs, mōris
(3m.) habit, custom, manner
mōrēs, mōrum
(3m. pl) habits, morals, character
nōmen, nōminis
(3n.) name
pāx, pācis
(3f.) peace
rēgīna, rēgīnae
(1f.) queen
rēx, rēgis
(3m.) king
tempus, temporis
(3n.) time, occasion, opportunity
terra, terrae
(1f.) earth, ground, land, country
uxor, uxōris
(3f.) wife
virgō, virginis
(3f.) maiden, virgin
virtūs, virtūtis
(3f.) manliness, courage;
excellence, character, worth, virtue
novus, nova, novum
new; strange
post (+ acc)
after, behind (+ accusative)
under, up under, close to;
down to / into / at the foot of
(+ ablative with verbs of rest)
(+ accusative with verbs of motion)
audeō, audēre, ausus sum
(2c) to dare
necō, necāre, necāvī, necātum
(1c.) to murder, to kill
(3m.) amor, amōris
song, poem
(3n.) carmen, carminis
state, citizenship
(3f.) cīvitās, cīvitātis
(3n.) corpus, corporis
human being, man
(3m.) homō, hominis
labor, work, toil; a work, production
(3n.) labor, labōris
a letter of the alphabet
(1f.) littera, litterae
a letter (epistle), literature
(1f. pl) litterae, litterārum
habit, custom, manner
(3m.) mōs, mōris
habits, morals, character
(3m. pl) mōrēs, mōrum
(3n.) nōmen, nōminis
(3f.) pāx, pācis
(1f.) rēgīna, rēgīnae
(3m.) rēx, rēgis
time, occasion, opportunity
(3n.) tempus, temporis
earth, ground, land, country
(1f.) terra, terrae
(3f.) uxor, uxōris
maiden, virgin
(3f.) virgō, virginis
manliness, courage;
excellence, character, worth, virtue
(3f.) virtūs, virtūtis
new; strange
novus, nova, novum
after, behind
post (+ accusative)
under, up under, close to;
down to / into / at the foot of
(+ ablative with verbs of rest)
(+ accusative with verbs of motion)
to dare
audeō, audēre, ausus sum
to murder, to kill
necō, necāre, necāvī, necātum