Chapter 7: Transmitters and Transceivers Flashcards
What is transmitter?
A transmitter is an apparatus, contrivance, device, or equipment designed to be capable of transmitting or emitting signs, signals, writings, images and sounds or intelligence of any nature through the ether by radio, electronics, television or other electromagnetic system
A device capable of emitting radio frequency waves or energy intended for transmission of signals, messages or intelligence. (NTC MC No. 2-05-88)
What is a transceiver?
A transceiver is an apparatus, contrivance, device or equipment designed to be capable of transmitting, emitting, and receiving images and sounds or intelligence of any nature through the ether by radio, electronics, television or other electromagnetic system.
An inherent combination of a radio transmitter and receiver. (NTC MC No. 2-05-88)
What is the difference between a transmitter and transceiver?
The main difference between a transmitter and a transceiver is that the former is designed only to transmit or send intelligence while the latter is designed both to send and receive intelligence of whatever nature.
What is required in order that a person may own or possess or transmitter or a transceiver?
He must obtain a permit to own or possess a transmitter or transceiver from the NTC
What is required from an applicant for a permit to possess radio transmitter or transceiver?
An application for a permit to possess radio transmitter or transceiver is required to submit to the NTC the following:
(a) An equipment history statement showing the source of the equipment; and
(b) A copy of the receipt of payment of customs duties, or if not paid, a clearance therefor from the Bureau of Customs if the equipment came from abroad. (TCB MC No. 75-1, January 27, 1975)
What is required if a person wants to sell or transfer his transmitter or transceiver to another?
He should obtain a permit to sell or transfer from the NTC
Note: This rule contemplates of a single or isolated transaction or transfer of transmitter or transceiver.
If a person, firm, company, association, or corporation is regularly doing business of buying and selling transmitters or transceivers, what should be secures from the NTC?
A dealer’s permit which will authorize a person, company or corporation to engage regularly or do business in the buying and selling of transmitters or transceivers.
Note: It is a rule generally accepted that single or isolated business transaction does not constitute “doing business” within the meaning of the law, and that transactions which are occasional, incidental, and casual and not of a character to indicate a purpose to engage in business contemplated by law. (General Corporation of the Phil. et al vs. Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ltd. 48 Official Gazette 73)
What is required for the importation of radio communications equipment, accessories or parts?
The Central Bank of the Philippines, in its Memorandum to Authorized Agent Banks (MAAB No. 51) dated August 25, 1978, requires that all applications for the importation of radio communications equipment, accessories or parts thru any mode of payment, shall only be given due course upon presentation by the applicants of the requisite Permit to Purchase from the NTC. (TCB MC No. 6_78, Sept. 11, 1978)
What must a buyer or a possessor of a transmitter or transceiver obtain from the NTC?
A permit to purchase or to possess a radio transmitter or transceiver.
What is the difference between ownership and possession of transmitter or transceiver?
The owner has the full right to enjoy and dispose of a radio transmitter or transceiver without other limitations than those established by law; however, a possessor holds or possesses the transmitter or transceiver only for the time being and exercises rights over it with limitations imposed by the owner and the law.
What is the purpose of regulating transactions involving transmitters or transceivers?
To protect the security of the State. In the hands of lawless elements, a transmitter or transceiver is a handy equipment to transmit telegrams and messages which may endanger the security of the Republic or disturb the public peace, tranquility and order.
What must a manufacturer of transmitters or transceivers obtain from the NTC?
A manufacturer’s permit
What are the conditions for the issuance of an applicant for a Radiocommunications Equipment Dealer Permit, Manufacturer Permit and Service Center Permit?
The conditions are:
1. The applicant must possess all the general qualifications.
- The applicant has paid the required fees; and
- He has no pending case with NTC involving violations or radio laws, rules and regulations. (NTC MC No. 2-05-88)
What is the scope of authority of the holder of the REDP?
The holder of a valid REDP is authorized to engage in the purchase and sale of legally acquired radiocommunication equipment and repair, service and maintain such equipment; participate in public biddings or trade exhibitions for the promotion of radiocommunication products; engage in the design or installation of radiocommunication systems or networks; and conduct product demonstrations, provided however, that a valid transmitter/transceivers demonstration permit therfor is acquired before conducting a product demonstration involving test transmission.
What is the scope of authority of the holder of the REMP?
A holder of valid REMP is authorized only to manufacture or assemble radiocommunication equipment that are type approved by the Commission.
What is the scope of authority of the holder of the RESCP?
A holder of valid RESCP is authorized only to repair, tune, calibrate and/or maintain radiocommunication equipment that are duly registered with the Commission. (NTC MC No. 2-05-88)
The application for renewal of an REMP, REDP or RESCP shall be?
The application for renewal of an REMP, REDP or RESCP shall be submitted to the Commission at least sixty (60) days before its date of expiration, provided however, that in the case of Dealers, the applicant must have been submitting regular, quarterly reports of sales and stock to the NTC.
An application for a duplicate of a permit which has been lost, mutilated or destroyed should be submitted as soon as possible to the office of issue together with a statement attesting to the facts, related thereto. The original of the lost permit, if found, shall be surrendered to the Commission immediately (NTC MC No. 2-05-88)
Dealers, manufactures, and service centers of transmitter/receivers are required to have certain basic diagnostic/test equipments and measuring instruments.
What is required for a person who is directly in charge of actual test, modification, repair, calibration and or tuning of radio transmitters and/or tranceivers?
He must be a holder of a valid First Class Radiotelephone or Radiotelegraph Commercial Radio Operator’s Certificate
What are required of a manufacturer?
Manufacturers should see to it that the standards of good engineering practice are observed in the manufacture of radio transmitters and transceivers and other allied equipment; and that test and adjustments of such equipment be done only in properly electrically shielded rooms so that emissions may not cause interference to existing radio services.
What is required before the construction of any radio station or radio transmitters or transceivers shall be begun?
A construction permit shall be obtained from the NTC.
Note: If both transmitting and receiving stations are to be installed in one location only, a single construction permit may cover both installations. If they are to be constructed in different places or location, a construction permit shall be required for the transmitting station and another for the receiving station.
What should be included in the applications for a construction permit?
The application for a permit shall be filed in duplicate to the NTC. The application should be under oath and state the full name, address and citizenship of the proposed owner or operator; the exact geographical location where the transmitting and receiving stations are to be installed; the purpose for which the station is established, the person or persons who will install, his technical qualifications; full description of the apparatus, and such other information as may be required.
Who should supervise the installation or construction of a radio station for which a construction permit has been issued?
The installation or construction of a radio station for which a Construction Permit has been issued shall be directly supervised by a registered Electronics and Communications Engineer.
Exempted from this requirements are: amateur stations, citizens band radio stations, land mobile or portable stations operating in the UHF/microwave bands, aircraft stations in the non-commercial service, ship low power radiotelephone stations, and stations in other communication services not utilized for commercial purposes and operating on a multiplex basis with an effective communication coverage area not to exceed 5 Km-radius.
Besides the construction or installation of radio stations or radio transmitters or transceivers, in what other instances is a construction permit required?
- The installation of an additional transmitter or transceiver in a radio station.
- Increase in the power of a transmitter;
- The change of location of a station
- The change in the antenna system
- The transfer of broadcasting studios
- The change in the type of emission of station;
- Any change, alteration or modification of the existing equipment, covered by a station license or construction permit, the result of which does not conform with previous application.
No construction permit shall be required for the modification of any existing radio station license/permit for change of?
a) location within 500 meters away from the original location
b) vehicle to any other authorized company vehicle
c) hours of operation, bandwidth and emission, power;
d) points of communications/service area;
e) change of frequency if replacement frequency is existing to applicant
f) change of equipment covered by necessary permit to purchase/possess; and
g) change of name.
What is the term of a construction permit?
Construction permit may be issued for either a period of 30 days, 60 days and or 90 days, depending upon the class of radio service to be established.
After completion of the construction of the radio station, may the permittee conduct test for purposes of observation or measurement of the frequency emission of the propose station?
Yes, provided that an authority from the NTC should be obtained.
What report should a manufacturer or dealer of transmitters and transceivers submit to the NTC?
An authorized Radiocommunication Equipment Dealer or Manufacturer shall submit to the NTC quarterly stock and sales reports on prescribed forms not later than seven days after the end of each quarter.
What should be done with transmitters and transceivers not in working conditions?
Transmitters and Transceivers which are not in working conditions, obsolete or unserviceable while in stock and no longer intended to be sold, rebuilt, repaired or reconditioned shall be declared condemned and manifested as such by the Permittee in the quarterly report to the NTC
What should be included in the manufacturer’s or dealer’s report?
The report should include the following:
(a) Name and address of the buyer’
(b) Number and date of issue of purchase permit issued by the NTC;
(c) make of transmitter or transceiver
(d) model or type and serial number of transmitter or transceiver
(e) maximum power of transmitter or transceiver
(f) types of emission of Tx or TRx
(g) Frequency coverage
(h) type of frequency control
(i) total number of Tx and TRx imported or purchased for resale during the month
(j) Tolal number sold during the month
(k) Particulars and total number of transmitters and transceivers in stock
What are the grounds for the revocation or suspension of permits?
The grounds are:
1. Violation of the provisions of the Radio Laws and Regulations;
- False statement in the application for permit or any report required by the NTC
- Purchase, sale, servicing and transactions involving illegally acquired radio transmitters and/or transmitters; and
- Failure to comply with any of the conditions or particulars specified in the Permit
The Order of suspension, revocation or cancellation of the permit shall take effect fifteen (15) days from receipt of the notice by the respondent. Within the fifteen (15) days period from receipt of the notice, respondent may file a written petition for the hearing of said Order to the Commission. In the event that the respondent fails to file the written petition for hearing within this prescribed period, the Order shall become final and executory