chapter 7 terms Flashcards
attempted to persuade people to support the ratifiction of the constitution
federalst papers
outlined the first form of goverment for the united states
articals of confedertion
outlined the steps for a territory to become a state
northwest ordiance of 1787
provided for the division and sale of the northwest territory
land ordinance of 1785
guaranteed the rights of citizens in the first ten amendents to the constitution
bill of rights
replaced the Articles of confederation as the new form of government for the united states
war veteran who led a rebellion in Massachusetts
daniel shays
delegate from Connecticut who proposed the great compromise
roger Sherman
delegate from Virginia who kept a detailed jounral of the constitutional convention
james madison
oldest member of the constitutional convention at age of 82
benjamin franklin
delegate from new york who favored a strong central goverment
alexander hamilton
declaring war,making treaties with foreign countries and establishing a postal system
articals of confedertion
the ____plan proposed a bicameral legislature with membership in both houes baded on each states population
the virgina plan
the ______plan propsed a unicameral legislature with each state having one vote
new jeresy
executive,legislative and judicial are the of the _______of the fedreal govrement
three branches
the primary function of the _______branch is to make laws
the primary function of the ____branch is to enforce the nation laws
the traditonal function of the _______branch is it interpt the law
who is considered the father of the constitution
james madison
a loose assocation or league of states is a
all 13 states had to __________________or formally approve the articaloes of confedertion before they became law
the land ordinance divided the northwest territory into six-mile squares called
the _______was the freedom to stockpile goods until ships came to transport them overseas
right of deposit
only five states where represented at the ________ which decided to ask congress to schedule a convention of all states to discuss revising the Articles of confedertion
annoplis convention
the __________was originally called the philadealphia convention and began meeting in may 1787
consitutional convention
a goverment in which elected reperentives govern the people is called a?
a __________system is one made up of two legislative houses
a ________system is one made up of one legislative houses
the__________settled the dispute between large and small states
great compromise
the upper house in congress is called the _________
the lower house in congress is called the________
house of repersentives
a count of the population is called a
the principal of _____ensures that no branch of goverment has too much power
seperation powers
the system _________keeps each othe three braches from exersising too much power by giving each br