AR chapter 2 terms Flashcards
the coloney of ________ was formed when the duke of york gave the southern portion of his territory to his friendsgeorge cartert and john berkeley
new jeresy
the colony _____ was originally part of pennsylvania but became a seprate coloney in 1704
the coloney of delweare
the church of england was called
anglician church
king charles ll granted eight loyal friends who supported him during the englsih civil a tract of land which was named
the last of the thirteen colonies to be established was..
the _____________ established te first self-goverment in the new world
the mayflower compact
_________ was founded as a coloney that would be safe for the catholics to settle
official permission for founding a coloney is called a
a coloney in which the king chose the governer ws called ________ coloney
royal coloney
a coloney in which the prporieter chose the governor was called a __________ coloney
proprieter coloney
a coloney in which the colonists elected the govoner was called a ________ coloeny
the pilgrims left plymouth, england, in september 1620 aboard the….
the agreement the pilgrims wrote to maintain peace in the new colony was called the
mayflower compact
this Indian who stayed with the pilgrims and taught them how to plant corn and squash and helped them develop trade with neighboring Indians was
the colony of new york was originlly called ________ by dutch
new netherlands
the __________ where given their nickname because they where they where said to tremble and shake during meetings
______was referred to as “noxious weed” by king James l
Maryland lawmakers passed the ___________ in 1649 which guaranteed religious freedom to all who believed in the trinity
act of toleration
the famous pirate Edward Teach, also know as _____________ in 1649 which guaranteed religious freedom to all who believed in the trinity