Chapter 7 Strategic Awareness Flashcards
What is the NZ Police Mission
To be the safest country
What is the purpose of NZ Police
Be Safe Feel Safe
How we police makes people feel safe
What we do keeps people safe
What is the NZ Police vision
To have the trust and confidence of all
What is the NZ Police motto
Safer communities together
What are the NZ Police strategies
● prevention first
● turning of the tide
● safer journeys
● wellness and safety
What are the NZ Police goals
● prevent crime/victimisation
● target and catch offenders
● deliver more responsive community focused service
What are the NZ Police Targets
● 5% reduction in road death ● 10,000 fewer victims of serious crimes ● 25 less Maori offending ● 90% of people feel safe ● $500M cash/assets back from gangs
Define prevention first
National operating model. Puts all people at the centre of what we do. Deploy to beat demand. Targets drivers of demand (Families, Roads, Organised Crime, Mental, Youth, Alcohol
Define turning of the tide
Partnership between Iwi and Police to achieve better outcomes for Maori by working with Iwi to address over representation of Maoril in statistics
Define Safer Journeys
Programme to reduce risks of speed, alcohol, drug, restraints and distracted driving. Vision is a ‘safe road system increasingly free of death and serious injury’
Define wellness and safey
To keep our community safe we must keep ourselves safe
Describe how we do it
● our people - valued, equipped, enabled, safe, high performing, victim focused, visible
● partnerships - working together to achieve collective results
● transformation - building frontline, safer whanau, iwi community partnerships, evidence based, better service delivery, PHPF
What are the 6 drivers of demand
● family/whanau ● roads ● organised crime ● mental ●youth ● alcohol
What is the prevention first mindset
Take every opportunity to prevent harm
Describe evidence based policing
● tactics used that have been proven to work
● results evaluated to see if achievements met or is there a need to re-focus
How can we deliver on our mindset
● demonstrate code of conduct & values at every interaction
● proactive consistent service to victims
● use trust to improve relationship
● focus on victim needs - VIPS
● use agreed offender management system
● all staff contribute via PHPF
What are the five frameworks of PHPF
● Strategy ● Culture ● Leadership ● Capability ● Management
Define F.1 Strategy
● provides a tool (SPT) for leaders to connect teams to our business
● ensures all people understand their role
● learn to contribute to NZ Police
Define F.2 Culture
A culture where leaders focus on purpose & enable staff to make a difference
What are the two tools used in F.2 Culture
● CTT Culture transformation tool - identifies the culture change needed to deliver outcomes we’ve promised
● CHPT Characteristics of High Performing team - defines qualities of top performing teams & enables out teams to reflect & lift performance
Define F.3 Leadership
The ability of leaders to enable our people to deliver on their purpose, via two tools
● SEE - Set Enable Expect
● Principal responsibilities of leadership
Define F.4 Capability
A self reflective tool to get people to work on improvements to their capability
● Performance
● Skills/knowledge/experience
● State of Mind
What is the vision of turning the tide
All Maori will live full and prosperous lives free from crime and trauma
What are the three values of turning the tide
● Aroha - standby people who accept responsibility for their actions
● Whakarira - each generation strives to better themselves
● Manaakitanga - being hospitable, fair & respectful
What is the mission of turning the tide
To protect Maori well-being by preventing crime, injury and death on our roads
What are the 6 Police values
● Professionalism ● Respect ● Integrity ● Committment to Maori & treaty ● Empathy ● Valuing diversity
What are the 6 principles of the Policing Act 2008
● principled, effective, efficient policing is cornerstone of free democratic society under rule of law
● effective policing relies on public support and confidence
● policing services provided under national framework with local focus
● respects human rights
● independent and impartial
● professional, ethical, integrity
What are the 8 functions of police
● keep the peace ● public safety ● law enforcement ● crime prevention ● community support & assurance ● national security ● overseas assistance ● emergency management
Outline S.30 Command and Control
Police MUST obey ● general instructions ● commissioner circulars ● local orders ● lawful command of NCO Police MUST NOT obey ● crown minister ● person not authorised by law
Outline S.63 Policing Act - Higher duties
● Commissioner can authorise an employee to a higher duty
● An A/Sgt could not sign a joint certificate unless specially appointed under S.63
What is the SELF test
● Scrutiny - would behaviour be seen as appropriate and withstand scrutiny
● Ensure compliance - does behaviour comply with code,policy, G.Is
● Lawful - is behaviour lawful
● Fair - is behaviour fair and reasonable
What is misconduct
● behaviour/actions that breach code/policy
● may result in disciplinary action rather than dismissal
What is serious misconduct
● behaviour/actions that breach code/policy and seriously undermine trust Police have in you. May justify dismissal
What is performance management
seeking improvement through dialogue and support to enable employee to perform satisfactory. It is not a disciplinary process
In terms of speak up policy what is inappropriate behaviour
● unethical behaviour
● breach of code of conduct
● serious wrongdoing as per protected disclosure
● harassment, bullying, discrimination
What does the speak up policy NOT apply to
● employment terms & conditions
● personal grievances
● false accusations
What are the ways to report inappropriate behaviour
● via NCO ● another trusted NCO, FTO or colleague ● local HR, Area commander, District Commander, Assistance Commissioner ● speak up helpline or online ● IPCA
What are the steps when report of inappropriate behaviour is made to you
● discuss matter neutrally & unbiased
● obtain full details
● advise what steps will be taken & who will receive info
● report to people group
● maintain record
What are the three tiers of support available
● Tier One - Core supervisory responsibilities. Normally NCO but could be another NCO
● Tier Two - Proactive Management - if allegation may require criminal or employment investigation or if employee retaliated against for speak up.
● Tier Three - active intervention. if Tier 1 or 2 don’t work can be referred to Harassment support officer or Executive Leadership Board