Chapter 1.2 Family Harm Flashcards
Family Harm
What are the principles of an effective FH approach
→ Early intervention (EYES WIDE OPEN) → Culturally appropriate → safety of all → collecting risk information → accountability of aggressor/offender → work collaboratively via multi agency approach
What are the characteristics of FH
→ can impact on anyone regardless of social status
→ single or multiple episodes
→ main offender male and main victim female
→ CYPS often exposed to FH as witnesses/victims/offenders
→ technology now used to coerce/control/stalk & harass
What are the steps to consider if firearms are present
→ check QP to see if person has flic
→- check QP to see if PSO or PO in place and whether firearms have already surrended
→ seize all firearms (S.18 SSA) if K9, PSO or PO appln
→ report to commissioner if you seize
→ consider if flic holder is a fit an proper person
What should we consider when planning to interview witnesses.
➡ interview as early as possible
➡ think how can it be proven without victim participation
➡ evidence can be sworn under Evidence Act 2006 & S82 CPA
➡ follow investigative interviewing guide
What are some considerations when deciding whether to K9 for a family harm incident
→ sufficient evidence and likelihood of successful prosecution
→ meet solicitor-general prosecution guidelines
no formal complaint is needed in order to K9
→ must consult NCO if you intend to carry out another response when there is sufficient evidence to prosecute.
What to consider when charging a family harm offender
→ do not minimize violence
→ ensure charge reflects nature of offending
→ ensure sufficient evidence for reasonable prospect of conviction
→ any ongoing risk to victim
What are bail considerations for FH charges
→ Paramount consideration is safety of victim
→ need for victim to access services
→ cooling off period for offender
→ if PO breached then must not grant bail within 24 hrs from K9
→ must have authority of a NCO if considering Police bail for a FH offender
What are PSO’s
An immediate order (to protect a victim) issued by a qualified Constable when there is no evidence to support an offence.
What are requirements of PSO
→ aggressor to surrender any weapons/flic
→ aggressor to vacate any property
→ allows victim time to apply for PO
→ allows cooling down time
→ valid for up to 5 days
→ can be issued in all types of domestic relationships
Who is a qualified Constable
A Constable with the designation of Sergeant or above.
What is the effect of a PSO on a parenting order
The parenting order is suspended for the duration of the PSO
When can a PSO be issued
→ when there is a domestic relationship
→-aggressor not arrested (once K9 then PSO can’t be issued)
→ RGB that PSO necessary to protect victim.
What are Police powers for issue of PSO
→ detain person up to 2 hours
→ remove person to station or other place to issue PSO
→ power to K9 if person fails or refuses to remain.
→ have 48 hours to serve PSO - expire if not served in that time
What are steps for serving a PSO on a aggressor
→ Explain conditions of order → Call CRL and advise service of PSO → demand surrender of firearms/flic → advise agency to give assistance → complete 5F report → after 24-48 hrs contact victim to check on any breaches
What is police action for breach of PSO
→ K9 for breach
→ appear in Court within 24 hours
→ request court to make S.124N order
→ if person can’t appear within 24hrs then summons - original PSO still stands.
When may Police be involved in serving a PO
→ flic held
→ possess/access firearms
→ assessed as significant risk to server
→ PO granted without notice
When could contact not be in breach of PO
→ emergency → order/agreement as to care/custody of minor → if special condition of PO → Attend FGC → Care of Children Act conference
What are the conditions relating to a FH offender and firearms
→ must not possess or access to weapon
→ must not hold flic
→ must surrender within 24hrs or on demand by Police
→ Police must not approve flic to someone with PO
What must Police do when PO served
→ notify O/C station
→ contact victim and update NIA
→ endorsed copy to Court
→delete PO from Police file once served.
What is definition of a child - DV Act
Person under 17 years excluding married/defacto
What type of behaviour constitutes of Family Harm.
→ physical → sexual → psychological including ↘ intimidation ↘ harassment ↘ damage ↘ threats of abuse ↘ financial abuse
What are the relationships that are included within the definition of family harm
→ spouse/partner
→ family member
→ shares household EXCEPT landlord/tenant, employer/employee & employee/employee
→ close personal relationship EXCEPT employer/employee & employee/employee
not necessary to be in a sexual relationship
What is held in Police v Elliot - consent of applicant for respondent to be on property
→ applicant can withdraw consent at any time
→ respondent must leave within reasonable time
→ enough time to gather basic items
→ time to arrange somewhere to go
→ can be K9 if refuses to go
→ doesn’t apply if violence used.
What is held in Senior v Police - facebook comments
→ a victim doesn’t have to be a fb friend for a breach to occur
→ abuse doesn’t have to be addressed directly at victim