Chapter 7 - Strategic Awareness Flashcards
What is our vision?
To be the safest country in the world
What is our purpose?
To ensure everybody can be safe & feel safe
What is our mission?
To prevent crime and harm through exceptional policing
What are our three goals?
- Safe homes
- Safe Roads
- Safe Communities
What are our functions?
- Keep the peace
- Maintain public safety
- Law enforcement
- Crime prevention
- Community support and reassurance
- National security
- Policing activities outside NZ
- Emergency management
What are our three priorities?
- Be first then do
- Delivery the services New Zealanders expect and deserve
- Focused prevention through partnerships
What are the key outcomes for prevention first?
- Prevent crime and victimisation
- Target and catch offenders
- Deliver a more responsive Police service
What are the core components of prevention first?
- Deploy to beat demand
- Target the drivers of demand
- Mindset, taking every opportunity to prevent harm
What are the six drivers of crime?
- Families (Whanau)
- Youth (Rangatahi)
- Organised crime and drugs
- Alcohol
- Mental Health
- Roads
What three things to we need for Te Huringa O Te Tai?
- Our people and mindset
- Effective initiatives and improved practice
- Effective partnerships
Explain the 5 PHPF frame works?
- Strategy
- Culture
- Leadership
- Capability
- Perfomance management
What is evidence based deployment?
Means that we use tactics that have been proven to work, and we evaluate the results of our interventions to determine whether we achieved the desired outcome or need to refocus our efforts
Locations generate what?
5% of locations generate 32% of calls for service relating to crime.
In taking every opportunity to prevent harm, what will we do?
- Demonstrate organisational values and code of conduct in interactions
- Provide proactive/consistent service to victims/offenders by using risk assessment process for dealing with victims/offenders
- Build relationships of trust improve info sharing with partner agencies and communities that engage victims/offenders
- Focus on victim’s needs - respond quickly and considerately
- Create useful VIP and increase proportions of VIPS completed in area
- Always use the agreed offender management approach
What is Te Huringa o Te Tai?
Set within framework, focuses Police’s efforts around three Pou;
- Our people and mindset
- Effective initiatives and improved practice
- Effective partnerships
Builds a turning of the tide strategy, designed to listen to the voices of the community, staff, Iwi Maori and encourages the enhancement of our organisational values with uara Maori
What are the Policing values?
- Professionalism
- Respect
- Integrity
- Commitment to Maori and the treaty
- Empathy
- Valuing diversity
Section 8 of the Policing Act 2008 is based on what following principles?
a) principled, effective, efficient policing services are a cornerstone for free and democratic society under rule of law
b) effective policing relies on a wide measure of public support/confidence
c) policing services provided under national framework but with community focus
d) policing services are provided in manner that respects human rights
e) policing services are provided independently and impartially
f) in providing police services every police employee is required to act professionally, ethically and with integrity.
Explain section 20, Policing Act 2008?
1) Commissioner must prescribe a code of conduct for Police employees, stating the standards of behaviour expected from Police employees
2) It is the duty of every Police employee to conduct themselves in accordance with the code of conduct
Explain Section 30, Policing Act 2008?
Command and Control
1) Police employee obey and guided by;
a) general instructions; and Commissioner’s circulars, and applicable orders
2) Police employee must obey lawful commands of supervisor
3) In absence of supervisor, responsibility devolves on;
- Police employee available in next level of position, longest serving employee
4) May not act under Minister of crown, a person not authorised by law, except on overseas operation
Explain Section 63, Policing Act 2008?
Acting appointments
1) In case of absence of Commissioner may;
- Appoint employee temporarily into position, authorise employee to perform powers in higher position
2) May be given or made before occasion arises
3) Position may be revoked at any time
Employee must be specifically authorised to exercise higher powers, powers not given just because they are in the position
What are the four steps to follow to deal with performance issues?
- Informal discussion
- Performance meeting
- Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
- Completion of PIP - required standard reached
This is not a disciplinary process unless employee has been unwilling or unable to satisfactorily improve following PIP
What are the five principles that underpin the Kia Tu Policy?
- People Centric
- Trusted
- Responsive
- Safe
- Accountable
What are four options for unacceptable behaviour?
- Address it yourself
- Address it with support
- Address it with a manager
- Report it confidentially
What are some examples of unacceptable and not unacceptable behaviour?
- Bullying, cyberbullying, discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, racial, indecent assault, sexual violation
What are some examples of unacceptable and not unacceptable behaviour?
- Bullying, cyberbullying, discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, racial, indecent assault, sexual violation
Not unacceptable
- Differences of opinion, isolated incident of abruptness, legitimate leadership action to improve performance
When do you refer staff to trauma support?
- Involvement in critical incident
- Notifiable injury or illness
- Threat to employees life while on duty
- Disaster victim identification incident
- Attendance at delayed recovery of body/ies
- Attendance at high number of critical incidents over short time frame
- Attendance at unnatural death
- Operational incidents involving loss of Police employee’s life
- Incidents where Police intervention fail to prevent loss of life
- Death or serious injury involving baby or young child
- Attending incidents involving police employee’s family
- Unpleasant or stressful duties
What is the supervisors role in best practice for rehabilitation of staff?
Take the lead in initiating and managing the rehabilitation of your employees following work absences due to illness or injury
Explain Section 13, Independent Police Conduct Authority Act 1988?
Duty of commissioner to notify authority of certain incidents involving death or serious bodily harm
Where a Police employee acting in the execution of his or her duty causes, or appears to have caused, death or serious bodily harm to any person, the Commissioner shall as soon as practicable give to the Authority a written notice setting out particulars of the incident in which the death or serious bodily harm was caused.
Explain Section 15, Independent Police Conduct Authority Act 1988?
Duty of Commissioner to notify Authority of complaints
- Commissioner shall notify IPCA of every complaint, other than complaint notified to the Commissioner by the Authority
- Notification must be given as soon as practicable, but no later than 5 working days after receipt of complaint.
Explain Clause 10 of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)?
The Commissioner may notify the Authority of any matter involving criminal offending or serious misconduct by a Police employee, where that matter is of such significance or public interest that it places or is likely to place the Police reputation at risk.