Chapter 7 - Self Employment Income (Allowable vs Disallowable) Flashcards
Indication of Trading: Badges of Trade
Subject Matter - are the type of goods normally used for tradig?
Ownership - short period is likely to indicate trading
Frequency - frequent transactions by the same person indicate trading
Improvements, marketing - improving the goods to make them marketable indicates trading
Reason for sale - a forced sale to raise capital indicates NOT trading
Motive - intention for profit indicates trading
Finance - if took out a loan to buy asset, expecting to repay from proceeds of sale indicates trading
Acquisition method - if purchased rather than gift or inheritance, indicates trading
Similar Transactions - look at similar transactions, are they for trading?
Adjusting accounting profit
Adjustments are made to the accounting profit to get tax adjusted trading profit.
Then capital allowances are removed
Accruals basis is used.
Starting point: Net profit per financial statements
Pro Forma - Tax adjusted trading profit
Net profit per accounts X
Dis-allowable expenditure X
Expenditure not allowed for taxation purposes X
Expenditure allowable for taxation purposes 0
Taxable trading profit not credited in the accounts X
Less: Expenditure not charged in the accounts but allowable for taxation purposes X
Income included in the accounts that is not taxable as trading profit X
Capital allowances (see Chapter 8) X
Tax adjusted trading profit X
Excessive salary paid to family
Must not be excessive, or it’s disallowed and added, only the excessive portion
Interest payable
On borrowings: overdraft, credit card, hire purchase is allowable on an accruals basis
Unincorporated businesses: late payment interest, or capital gains tax, repayment from HMRC on interest not allowed - add
Capital Expenditure
Expenditure on capital assets, e.g. depreciation, loss on sale, amortisation of a lease is disallowed
Improvements are allowed
Car leasing
Allowable if CO2 emissions are 50g/km or less
If above 50g/km, 15% of the rental charges PA are disallowed
Subscriptions and donations
Subscriptions allowable if made wholly and exclusively for trade
Donations must be: wholly and exclusively for trading, local and reasonable in size and made to a registered charity
Non-charitable gifts and donations to political parties, not allowed
Entertaining and gifts
Entertainment - disallowed, exception is relating to employees and not for entertainment of others
Gifts to employees are allowables
Gifts to customers
Allowable if:
Less than £50 per recipient,
Not food, drink, tobacco
If exceeds £50, fully disallowable
Contains conspicuous advertisement
Legal and Professional charges
Legal fees chasing trading debts
Charges to defend the title of non-current assets
Obtaining long-term debt finance for sole traders
Renewing a short lease
Fees acquiring new non-current assetes
Impairment losses and allowances for trade receivables
Write off of a trade debt
Allowance for irrecoverable debt
Disallowable: write off of a non-trade debt
Appropriations e.g. Personal Car, interest paid on capital, salary or drawings of a partner/sole trader
Loans to customers and suppliers written off/recovered
Allowable - 0
Goods for own use e.g. car
E.g. cost of the car £10k and current Market Value is £12.5k and no entries have been made apart from the original purchase
You’d add back the £12.5k assuming he hasn’t already removed the asset, if he has made adjustments, add the additional profit of £2.5k
Add back: the amortisation charged in the P&L (disallowable)
Deduct: allowable expense portion of the lease premium e.g. P0.02(n-1)
To get annual amount divide that number by total number of lease years
Use for home business
If one room out of 5 is usable, then 1/5 of everything applicable
Utilities and Mortgage? Allowable
Pre-trading expenditure
Any incurred within seven years is to be assessed
Decorating the home/shop
Decorating private flat - disallowable - add
If cash basis is asked
Revenus is minus still receivable
It then becomes Less:
CoS (portion paid)
Personal expenses ignored
Depreciation is 0
Capital Expenditure is less in full
Car expenses in full
Other expenses - less anything paid
Add any private occupant adjustment
Not taxable as trading income
Repayment of interest received on a tax repayment