Ch10 - Trading Losses for Individuals Flashcards
Carrying forward of loss
Can be in current tax year, or previous tax year, can be made in both years in any order or in either year in isolation
If no election is made
Carried forward against future years in order
Capital Gains Tax Proforma?
Any excess can be used against Net chargeable gains
Chargeable gains in year X
Less: capital losses in year (X)
Subtotal X
Less: Trading loss relief (W) (X)
Less: AEA ($6k)
Net chargeable gains before b/f losses X
Offsetting further relief against chargeable gains
Can do so if opting to choose relief total income
Special prior 3 year relief
Offsets in order of years??? I think so…
Terminal Loss Relief (Ceasing Trading)
LIFO basis
Trading Income
Less: Terminal loss
Net Income
Less: PA
Taxable Income
Maximum amount of relief when choosing total income method
Greater of:
25% of adjusted total income
Applies to same year and prior year if same trade…?
Adjusted Total Income
Total income X
Less gross PPC (X)
Adjusted total income X
Partnership losses
Same as sole traders: first four years and not available to existing partners
If they join = special opening relief
If they leave = terminal loss rrelief
Further notes: Trade losses carried forward
Must be deducted from profits of the same trade
Total income
Prior two years and can be and/pr