What is the procedure on how to reduce violence and social harassment at workplace
To reduce violence and sexual harassment in the workplace, the following procedures can be implemented:
Reducing Sexual Harassment:
- Draft a Policy: Create a clear policy that explicitly prohibits sexual harassment.
- Establish a Complaints Procedure: Set up a formal process for employees to report incidents of sexual harassment.
- Conduct Regular Training: Provide ongoing training and briefings on sexual harassment to raise awareness and educate employees.
- Take Disciplinary Action: Ensure that there are consequences for those who engage in sexual harassment, enforcing disciplinary measures as necessary , .
Reducing Violence at Work:
- Conduct Risk Assessments: Regularly assess the workplace for potential risks that could lead to violence.
- Establish a Zero-Tolerance Policy: Implement a strict policy against violence in the workplace, making it clear that such behavior will not be tolerated.
- Prepare Procedures for Violent Incidents: Develop clear procedures for responding to incidents of violence, including how to report and manage such situations.
- Train Employees: Provide training for all employees on how to recognize, prevent, and respond to violence in the workplace .