Chapter 7- part 2, from manual Flashcards
activities of daily living
increased posterior thoracic curve in spine
Kyphosis-Lordosis (Tight/Shortened Muscles)
Hip flexors, lumbar extensors, anterior chest/shoulders, Latissimus dorsi, Neck extensors
Kyphosis-Lordosis (Inhibited/lengthened)
Hip extensors, external obliques, upper back extensors, scapular stabilizers, neck flexors
Flat Back posture
decreased anterior lumbar curve
flat-back tight muscles
rectus abdominis, upper back extensors, neck extensors, ankle plantar flexors
flat-back (inhibited/lengthened)
illacus/psoas major, internal oblique, lumbar extensors, neck flexors
sway-back posture
decreased anterior lumbar curve and increased posterior thoracic curve from neutral
sway back tight muscles
hamstrings, upper fibers of posterior obliques, lumbar extensors, neck extensors
sway back weak/inhibited muscles
illiacus/psoas major, rectus femoris, external oblique, upper back extensors, neck flexors
pronated subtalar joint causes
Eversion of foot, internal tibial and femoral rotation, lifts outside of heel, may tighten calf muscles and limit dorsi flextion
supination of subtalar joint causes
inversion of foot, external tibial and femoral rotation, lifts inside of heal, limits plantar flexion
hip adduction
in standing and in gaitt, hip adduction is a lateral tilt of pelvis, weakens and lengthens hip abductors, which are un able to hold hip level.
Anterior pelvic tilt- tight muscles
hip flexors, erector spinae- view in sagittal plane
Anterior pelvic tilt- weak muscles
hamstrings, rectus abdominis- view in sagittal plane
posterior pelvic tilt- tight muscles
rectus abdominis, hamstrings
posterior pelvic tilt- weak muscles
hip flexors, erector spinae
Shoulders not level- tight muscles
upper traps, levator scapula, rhomboids- frontal plane of view
shoulders asymmetry to midline- tight muscles
lateral trunk flexors(flexed side) - Frontal plane of view
protracted shoulders- tight muscles
serratus anterior, anterior scapulohumeral muscles, upper traps (serratus anterior is tight with scap protraction and lengthened with scap winging)- view in sagittal plane
medially rotated humerus - tight muscles
pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi (shoulder adductors), subscapularis - view from frontal plane
kyphosis and depressed chest- tight muscles
shoulders adductors, pectoralis minor, rectus abdominis, internal obliques- view from sagittal plane
Forward head position- tight muscles
cervical spine extensors, upper traps, levator scapulae, view from sagittal plane
anterior superior iliac spine
Posterior superior iliac spine
5 Primary Movements
- Bending/Raising and lifting/lowering
- Single leg movements
- Pushing movements
- Pulling Movements
- Rotational movements
Bend and lift screen- lack of foot stability: ankles collapse inward/outward- tight muscles
soleus, lateral gastrocnemius, peroneals
Bend and lift screen- lack of foot stability: ankles collapse inward/outward- weak muscles
medial gastrocnemius, gracilis, sartorius, tibialis group
Bend and lift screen- knee moves inward- tight muscles
hip adductors, tensor fascia latae
Bend and lift screen- knee moves inward- weak muscles
gluteus Medius and maximus
Bend and lift screen- Torso, lateral shift to a side
side dominance and muscle imbalance due to potential lack of stability in the lower extremity during joint loading
Bend and lift screen- unable to keep heels in contact with the floor- tight muscles
plantar flexors (no weak muscles)
Bend and lift screen- observing hip/knee- movement initiated at knee
movement initiated at knees may indicate quad and hip flexor dominance as well as insufficient activation of the gluteus group
Bend and lift screen- unable to get parallel between tibia and torso
poor mechanics, lack of dorsi flexion due to tight plantar flexors (which normally allow the tibia to move forward)
Bend and lift screen- hamstring contact back of calves
muscles weakness and poor mechanics, resulting in an inability to stabilize and control the lowering phase
Bend and lift screen- back excessively arches- tight muscles
hip flexors, back extensors, lats
Bend and lift screen- back excessively arches- weak muscles
core, rectus abdominis, gluteal group, hamstrings
Bend and lift screen- back rounds forward- tight muscles
lats, teres major, pectoralis major and minor
Bend and lift screen- back rounds forward- weak muscles
upper back extensors
Bend and lift screen- head downward
increased hip and trunk flexion
Bend and lift screen- head upward
compression and tightness in the cervical extensor region
Hurdle step screen- lack of foot stability, ankle collapse inward/feet turn outward- tight muscles
soleus, lateral gastrocnemius, peroneals
Hurdle step screen- lack of foot stability, ankle collapse inward/feet turn outward- weak muscles
medial gastrocnemius, gracilis, sartorius, tibialis group, gluetus medius and macimus, inability to control internal rotation
Hurdle step screen- knees move inward- tight muscles
hip adductors, tensor fascia latae
Hurdle step screen- knees move inward- weak muscles
gluteus medius and maximus
Hurdle step screen- hip adduction > 2in - tight muscles
hip adductors, tensor facia latae
Hurdle step screen- hip adduction > 2in- weak muscles
gluteus medius and maximus
Hurdle step screen- stance leg hip inward rotation- tight muscles
stance leg or raised-leg internal rotators
Hurdle step screen- stance leg hip inward rotation- weak muscles
stance-leg or raised leg external rotators
Hurdle step screen- lack of dorsiflextion in raises leg- tight/weak muscles
tight plantar flexors and weak dorsiflexors
Hurdle step screen- raised leg deviates from sagittal plane- tight and weak muscles
tight raised leg hip extensors and weak raises leg hip flexors
Hurdle step screen- hiking the raises hip- tight muscles
stance leg hip flexors are tight, limiting posterior hip rotation during raise
Hurdle step screen- anterior tilt with forward torso lean, tight and weak muscles
tight stance leg hip flexors, weak rectus abdominis and hip extensors
Hurdle step screen- posterior tilt with hunched -over torso, tight and weak muscles
tight rectus abdominis and hip extensors, weak stance leg hip flexors
Shoulder push stabilization screen- winging during push up
inability of parascapular muscles to stabilize against rib cage (serratus anterior, taps, levator scapula, rhomboids)
Shoulder push stabilization screen- hyperextension or collasping of low back
lack of core, abdominal and low back strength
Thoracic spine mobility screen- how many degrees is normal?
45 degrees each direction
thoracic spine mobility screen- bilateral discrepancy
Side dominance
Thomas test, back of lowered thigh does not touch table,knee does not flex 80 degrees
tight hip flexors
thomas test, back of lowered thigh does not touch table, but knee DOES flex 80 degrees
tight iliopsoas, preventing hip from rotating posteriorly and inhibiting the thigh from being able to touch the table
Thomas test, back of lowered thigh DOES touch table, but knee does NOT flex to 80 degrees
tight rectus femoris which does not allow knee to bend
Passive straight leg raise (PSL), raises leg > 80 degrees of movement
normal hamstring length
Passive straight leg raise (PSL), raised leg < 80 degrees, or opposite leg lifts off mat
tight hamstrings
Shoulder flexion test, inability to flex to 170 degrees
potential tightness in pec major and minor, lats, teres major, rhomboids and subscapularis
Shoulder extension test, inability to extend shoulder to 50 degrees
potential tightness in pec major, abs, subscapularis and bicep brachii
Shoulder external/lateral rotation, inability to reach floor
tightness in internal rotators of the arm
shoulder internal/medial rotation, inability to internally rotate forearm 70 degrees
tightness in external rotators of the arm