Chapter 7 - Orginization Flashcards
Five Dimensions of Organizational Structure
1) Chain of Command
2) Job Specialization
3) Departmentalization
4) Delegation
5) Span of Management
A group of two or more people working together to achieve a common set of goals
Chain of command
The line of authority from the highest to the lowest levels in an organization
Job Specialization
Separating larger activities into smaller tasks and giving people different tasks to do
Increased productivity
Learn one specialize task and do it efficiently (Faster AND Better)
Drawbacks - Boredom, less productive, no diversity in skill
Solution; Job Rotation - Shifting of employes for one job to another
Grouping jobs into manageable units;
a) By Function - All jobs relate to one activity
b) By Product - Group activities related to a particular product
c) By Location - Grouped by geographic area where they are formed
d) By Customer - Grouped by needs of different customers
Assigning part of managers work to others
Less Delegation
Centralized, authority is at top
More delegation
Decentralized, authority spread to lower levels
Span of management
Number of workers who directly report to one manager
Wide Span
More workers report to one manager, so less managers (“flat” organization)
Narrow Span
Less workers reporting to one manager (“tall” organization)
Line structure
The chain of command goes directly from person to person
Line and Staff structure
Line structure with staff managers added
Matrix Structure
Combines vertical and horizontal lines of authority
Cross functional teams
Must report to both the team manager and to their home base managers
Network Structure
Administration is the primary function and most other functions are contracted out to other firms
Ad hoc
Created for specific short-term purpose
Perform some recurring tasks (Cuny first)
Task force
To investigate a major problem or important decision
Informal group
Weekly book club during lunch hour, the “grape vine”
Corporate culture
The inner rights rituals heroes and values of a farm, the feel of a company