Chapter 7 - Neoplasia Flashcards
Genetic disorder caused by DNA mutations
Often also show epigenetic changes (focal increases in DNA methylation and alterations in histone modifications)
genetic alterations a heritable, passed to daughter cell on cell division. At the time of tumour initial the selective advantage are conferred on a single cells -
sub clones can develop and can lead to tumour progression
Some definitions:
Neoplasia = new growth. Cells are transformed - i.e they continue to replicate apparently oblivious to the regulatory influences that control normal cells.
Neoplasm’s enjoy autonomy and tend to increase in size regardless of their local environment (although this is not complete - all neoplasms do depend on their host for nutrition and their blood supply!)
Benign vs. Malignant …
Benign - microscopy and gross characteristics are innocent - remain localised and amenable to surgical removal. Often have “Oma” at the end
Malignanct - invades and destroys and has the ability to metastasise.
Features that delineate BENIGN VS MALIGNANT ?
1) Differentiation and anaplasia (degree to which resemble paenchymal cell of origin, morphologically and functionally. lack of differentiation = anaplasia)
2) LOCAL invasion - often benign tissues (not always) are encapsulated.
3) metastases = spread to sites that are physically discontinuous with the primary tumour AND UNEQUIVOCALLY means the tumour if malignant
in general rapid growth IMPLIES malignancy, but no a reliable descriminator.
LOCAL invasion and mets often go hand in hand but are separable (i.e some tumours are ++ locally invasive BUT do not have mets)
Malignant tumour
Arising in Solid mesenchymal tissues = sarcoma
mesenchymal cells of the blood = leukemia or lymphoma
malignant neoplasms of epithelial cells = carcinomas (regardless of the tissue)
carcinomas of glands = adenocarcinomas
carcinomas that produce squamous cells = SCC
sometimes the cell of origin can be found, but often poorly differentiated “poorly differentiated” “undiferentiated” carcinoma
Most cells in a tumour resemble each other (rare if not - mixed tumour. Mixed tumors are monoclonal but projenitc cell differentiates down more than one lineage)
Examples of “Mixed Tumors”
Salivary gland
Fibroadenoma of the female breast
Teratoma - recognisable mature or immature cells or tissues derived from MORE than ONE germ cell later, and sometimes all three (arise from totipotential germ cells such as those that arise in the ovary or the testis)
mass of disorganised tissue, indigenous to a particular site. (i.e lung or liver etc)
traditionally development malformations, but they are now actually thought to be clonal and contain chromosomal aberrations acquired due to somatic mutations
stroma contains the blood supply - doesn’t delineate benign v malignant
anaphasia reliable indicator of malignant - unclear if de-differnetiation or failure to differentiate
- features of anaplasia
1) pleomorphism (variation in size/shape)
2) nuclear abnormalities (extreme hyperchromatism, variation in size, or prominent single or multiple nucleoli), change in the nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio.
3) atypical mitoses
3) loss of polarity
anapaestic cells don’t really retain their function either
- dysplasia ? disorderly proliferation. loss of uniformity of individual cells and their architectural orientation. dysplastic cells exhibit pleomorphism and often have large hyper chromatic nuclear
mitotic figures are more abundant and frequently appear in abnormal locations - dysplasia involving the entire thickness of an epithelium = carinocoma in situ
- dysplasia does not equal cancer. but marks as increase risk. may degree however
Mechanism of mets
1) seeding body cavities - ovarian, neoplasms of brain may go into CSF and re-deposit on meningeal surfaces
2) haematogenous spread - more common in sarcomas. vein > arteries. (Which is why the liver and lung are the most common sites - all portal blood goes to the liver, all caval bloods flows through lung!)
3) lymphatic spread - more common in carcinomas (sentinel LN = first regional LN that receives lymph flow from a primary tumour)
Environmental factors linked to CANCER:
Diet including obesity
Smoking - mouth, pharynx, larynx, oeophsagus, bladder, lung (90% of lung cancer deaths due to smoking)
alcohol consumption - oropharynx, larynx, oesophagus and liver
reproductive history - unopposed oestrogen - cancers of the endometrium and breast increased +++
Acquired conditions linked to cancer
(insert picture from page 199)
precursor lesions - imply increased risk (examples - squamous metaplasia/dysplasia (smoking), endometrial hyperplasia/dysplasi (unopposed oestrogen stimulation), leukoplakia - SCC, villous adenoma of the colon - risk risk progression to colorectal cancer)
Oncogenes - over expression of “protooncogenes”. Only one mutation (dominant) turn on genes, usually transcription factors or pro survival
TSG - need both alleles, knocked out. Loss of function. Usually “Guardian” genes (sense genomic damage) or governors (put breaks on cellular proliferation)
Regulators of apoptosis
Types of genetic lesions in cancer: Driver and Passenger
Driver mutation = mutations that alter the function of cancer genes and therefore directly contribute to the development or progression of a given cancer.
Passenger genes - neutral and do not affect cellular genes ‘come along for the ride’
- passenger genes can provide genetic variation that may provider tumour cells with selective advantage in the setting of therapy.
Types of genetic lesions in cancer
Point mutations - can be either gain of function (proto-oncogene –> oncogene) or loss of function (TSG)
- the TSG most commonly affected by point mutation = TP53
Gene rearrangements: chromosomal translocations or inversion
Deletions: deletions of specific regions of chromosome may result in the loss of a specific tumour suppressor gene (often combined with a loss of function point mutation in the case of TSG knock out)
Gene amplifications: protooncogene -_> oncogenes resulting in over expression of otherwise normal proteins. May produce several hundred copies of the gene or a change in the copy number (can be detected by molecular hybridisation techniques). examples are the MYV and HER-2 genes
Aneuploidy: change in the number of chromosomes. Usually in errors in the mitotic checkpoint. (the major cell cycle control mechanism)
MicroRNA and cancer: microRNAs = noncoding single stranded RNAs, negative regulators of genes. They inhibit gene expression post-transcriptionally by preventing translocation
- if the target of the microRNA is a oncogene or TSG may result in carinogenesis
- examplel is the down regulation or deletion of microRNAs in leukemia/lymphoma lead to over expression of BCL-2 anti-apoptotic gene
Gene amplification “double minute??”
Look into the stuff on page 202 about lymphoid gene rearrangements etc. etc.
RAS picture - its a G protein coupled receptor
Skipped page 217 to 225
Page 229 - regulators of angiogenesis
Read the ret of the tumour metastases theory - bottom of page 232
EVASION OF THE IMMUNE system - only read the summary portion
Mechanisms of chemical carcinogens (page 239 - got bored!!)
How Gene rearrangement can lead to ONCOGENES
1) REMOVING the oncogene from normal regulator elements and placing them under the control of an inappropriate, highly active promoter or enhancer.
eg BURKITT t(8:14) - over expression of MYC gene of chromosome 8, by juxtaposition with the IgH chain gene regulator elements on chromosome 14
eg FOLLICULAR lymphoma t(14;18) - overexpression of the anti-apoptotic gene BCL-2 on chromosome 18 with the regulator elements of chromosome 14
2) FUSION GENES encoding novel chimeric proteins
- e.g Ph chromosome chromosome 9;22 - fusion of the BCR gene on chronometer 22 with the ABL gene on 9
epigenetics = reversible, heritable changes in gene expression which occur without mutations
post translational modifications of histones and DNA methylation
Genoma is silenced by DNA methylation and histone modifications
Cancer cells are characterised by global DNA hypomethylation AND selective promoter localised hypermethylation.
TSG can be silenced by hypermethylation of promoter sequences.
CARCINOGENESIS as a multistep process
genetic evolution over time darwinian selection and leads to more aggressive and less responsive to therapy over time
HALLMARKS OF CANCER (there are eight)
Self sufficiency in growth signals - gain of function mutations protooncogenes to oncogenes. oncogenes encode oncoprotein promote cell growth even in the absence of growth promising signals. Insensitivity to inhibitory signal Altered cellular metabolism Evasion of apoptososi Limitless replicative potential sustain angiogenesis Invasion and metastasis evasion of immune surveillance
involved in the growth factor/cellular signallin/proliferating pathway/signal transduction
GROWTH factors -
Growth factor receptors- often act as oncoprotein when over expressed. i.e the Epidermal growth factor (EGF family) - ERBB1 (EGF receptor) over expression in lung ca, epithelial cancers of the head and neck, ERBB2 (HER2) is amplified in breast Ca. Tyrosine kinases are also affected by point mutations or gene rearrangements - leading to them being constitutively active (i.e leukemia, lymphomas, some sarcomas)
DOWNTREAM signal-transducing proteins - downtream of growth factor receptors - activated by ligand binding to growth factor receptors
example RAS - RAS is commonly mutated in human tutors - (30% of all human tumours)
example ABL
NUCLEAR TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS - A host of oncoprotein - function as transcription factors that regulate the expression of growth promoting genes - MYC being an example
THE RAS oncogene
most commonly mutated oncogene in human tutors
RAS = member of a family of small G proteins that bind GTP and GDP
Normally RAS flips back and forth between an excited and quiescent state. RAS is inactive when bound to GDP, activation by growth factors leads to exchange GDP –> GTP and activation (short-lived recycled back to the inactive star)
Activated RAS stimulates downstream regulators of proliferation by several interconnected pathways that converge on the nucleus and alter expression of genes that regulate growth (i.e MYC)
RAS most commonly activated by points mutations in amino acid residues within the GTP binding pocket or in the enzymatic region involved in GTP hydrolysis
- interfere with the breakdown of GTP which is essential to inactive RAS
- RAS is therefore trapped in it’s activated form.
- continuously proliferating state.
Non receptor tyrosine kinase.
ABL porto-oncoprotein has TK activity dampened by internal negative regulatory domains
ABL translocates from chromosome 9 to the BCR region of chromosome 22, this fusion gene encodes this BCR-ABL hybrid protein that contains the ABL TK domain and BCR domain that self-associates - leading to the constitutiative TK activity
THE MYC oncogene
MYC is a transcription factor that regulates the expression of growth promoting genes, such as cyclones.
Dysregulation of MYC promotes tumorigeneic by simultaneously promoting the progression of cells through the cells cycle and enhancing alterations in metabolism that support cell growth
MYC activates the transcription of other genes
- including cyclin dependant kinases - products drive cells into the cell cycle
- genes that control pathways to produce building blocks for cell growth and division.
MYC - t(8;14) in Burkitts’
MYC amplified in breast, colon, lung
NMYC - neuroblastoma
Evasion of cell death
mutations in genes that regulate apoptosis make cell resistant to cell death
apoptosis = regulated cell death (orderly dismantling of cells into component pieces, consumed by neighbouring cells/professional phagocytes) WITHOUT stimulating inflammation
cancer cells subject to LOTs of intrinsic stresses that can initialt apoptosis particularly DNA damage, but also metabolic disturbances from dysregulated growth and hypoxia - due to insufficient blood supply
This is enhanced with chemotherapy agents
There is selective pressure for tumour cells to intrinsic pressures that may induce apoptosis.
evasion of cell death usually via acquired mutations + changes in gene expression relevant to the intrisic pathway - or that reset regulatory factors = FAVOURING CELL SURVIVAL
Review of the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis
permeability of mitochondrial membrane, please of moleculaes (cytochrome C ) that initiate apoptosis.
permeability due to pro and anti apoptosic members of BCL-2 family in balance
pro apoptosis = BAX and BAK
anti-apootiti - BCL-2, BCL-XA, MCL-1
OTHER protein - BH3 only proteins - shift balance towards apoptosis, neutralise BCL-2 etc.
1) Loss of TP53 function (higher relapsed post therapy)
2) Overexpression of BCL-2 family (best understood is t14;18 in follicular lymphoma), In CLL BCL-2 is unregulated because of loss of expression of micro-RNA that normally dampen BCL-2 expression
Tumour immortality “Limitless replicative potential”
normal cells can only perform around 70 doublings - after this enter replicative senescence
in ageing - attributes to progressive telomere shortening.
eroded telomeres - recognised by DNA repair machinery as dsDNA breaks –> cell cycle arrest (mediated by TP53 and RB)
If TP53 or RB disrupted - the non homologous end joining pathway is activated in an effort to save the cell
telomere maintenance is seen in nearly all type of cancer. 85-95% to to up regulation of telomerase.
Growing cancers need angiogenesis for growth - neovasscularisation
contributes to cancer growth as well as metastasis
Early on no angiogenesis –> then later angiogenic switch (up regulation of angiogenic stimulators, down regulators of angiogenic inhibitors)
The metastatic cascade.
1) invasion of the ECM
- breech the basement membrane, interstitial connective tissue, the vascular basement membrane
2) vascular dissemination and homing of tumour cells
- lots of tumour cells in the circulation - the process of homing to a specific site - less so
SITE of metastatic spread
1) natural vascular drainage of the primary cancer
2) tropism for a certain site (adhesions molecules may be preferentially expressed on the endothelial cell of the target place, chemokine, or the target environment has to be permissive to the tumour growing there
METASTATIC SPECIFIC MUTATIONS and GENES has been quite difficult
tumors send by immune system as non self and destroyed
anti-tumour activity by cell mediated mechanism
tumors on the outside of MHC class 1 –> recognised by CD8 positive CTLs
tumor antigens expressed on MHC include - products of mutated genes, over expressed or abberently expressed proteins, tumour antigens produced by oncogenic viruses
immunosuppressed PEOPLE = increased risk of developing cancer (particularly those related to oncogenic viruses)
Avoiding the immune system in immunocompetent
- decreased MHC expression, selective outgrowth of antigen negative variables
Genomic instability contributes to malignancy
i.e DNA repair is very important in maintaining the integrity of the genome.
1) mismatch repair
2) nucleotide expression repair
3) recombination repair
important repair mechanisms, may be altered in malignancy.
(not just inherited syndromes - can also occur in somatically developed cancers)
Homologous recombination
Defects of homologous recombination = autosomal recessive disorders - Bloom syndrome, ataxia-telangectasia, fanconi anemia. Hypersenitivity to DNA damaging agents - including ionising radiation - or DNA cross linking agents.
germ inline BRCA1 and BRCA2 - both appear to function in the homologous recombination pathway (DNA repair pathway) - 50% of familial breast Cancer
- not entirely elucidated by appear to function in the homologous repair pathway
- TSGs both have to be knocked out in order to cause disease
Mismatch repair system:
Example being patients with HNPCC - defect in the mismatch repair system
These patient have micro satellite instability - changes in length of short tandem repeating sequences throughout the genome
Nucleotide excision repair
xeroderma pogmentosum - increased risk of skin cancers when exposed to sunlight (unable to repair pyrimidine dimers induced by UV light) - AR condition
UV light causes cross linking of pyrimidine residues - preventing normal DNA replications. Nucleotide excision repair would usually fix. Several proteins involved in this process. Defect in any of these proteins can lead to xeroderma pigmentosum
Chronic inflammation in tumours?
also manipulates the immune microenvinronment and may contribute to cell growth
AGENTS that inflict genetic damage
1) chemicals
2) radiant energy
3) microbial products
Viral antigens and tumors
CTLs recognise viral antigens - important role in virally infected cells. cancers occur at higher rates in patients w defective T cell immunity
Immune evasion by cancers
Immune response to cancers - Th1 - IFN gamma - macrophages
CTLs response as well (page 233) (see picture page 234 of the text book)
Immune evasion: darwinian selection - tumours that are most able to evade the immune system are selected for.
1) mutations of B2 microglobuin - precent assembly of functional MHC class 1
2) activating immune checkpoints - which usually control the immune response
- est characterised PDL-1 often expressed on tumour cells –> interacts with PD-1 on CTLs - CTL become unresponsive - lose ability to kill tumour cells
3) several others including CTLA-4
LED to the creation of drugs that put a break on this dampening of the immune system
PD-1 inhibitors, PDL-1 inhibitors etc. etc.
Chimeric antigen receptors
CAR-T =. CTLs that are engineered to express chimeric antigen receptors. (CARs). CARs have extracellular domains consisting antibodies that bind tumour antigens and intracellular domains that deliver signals to activate the CTLs following engagement with the tumour cell
Genomic instability AND cancer - mismatch repair
Both interited disease which are involved in DNA repair and sporadic acquisition in mutations associated with DNA repair can lead to increased susceptibility to cancer.
HNPCC syndrome illustrates the role of DNA repair in predisposition to cancer - defects in genes involved in mismatch repair. When a strand of DNA is being repaired - mismatch repair genes result in “spell checks” ensure proper pairing of AT and CG. Without these proofreader - mutations accumulate +++ . Inherits one gene and then will acquire the second as a second hit
A classic finding in these patient is something called “microsatellite instability” microsatellites are tandem repeats of 1-6 nucleotides. In normal people these satellites remains constant. By contrast in HNPC these satellites are unstable and increase or decrease.
MSI found in 15% of all sporadic cancers.
DNA damage in Lymphoid neoplastic
DNA damage in the tumours of B cells and T- lymphocytes ?
Adaptive immunity relies on the ability of B cells and T cells to diversity their antigen receptor genes
Immature B cells and T progenitors express a pair of gene products RAG1 and RAG2 that carry out VFJ segment recombination –> permitting the assembly of functional immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor genes.
After encountering an aitgen Mature B cells express enzyme called activation induced cytosine deamidase (AID) which catalyses both immunoglobulin gene class switch recombination and immunoglobulin diversification through somatic hypermutation.
Errors during these assembly and classic switching provide the background for many of the mutations involved in lymphoid cancers.
Tumour promoting inflammation as a enabler of malignancy
PAGE 237 ….
Carcinogenic Agents
1) chemical 2) radiant energy 3) microbial products
Chemical carcinogens
Direct acting carginogens: require no metabolic conversion to become carcinogens: Typically weak carcinogens. some are cancer chemotherapy agents. (alkylating agents)
Indirect acting agents: require metabolic conversion to result in carcinogenesis. - polycyclic hydrocarbons. aromatic amines and ado dyes (bladder cancer- aniline dye and rubber industries)
(polymorphisms in enzymes such as cytochromone P450 may influence carcinogenesis in the situation)
aflatoxins - naturally occurring in some strains of aspergillum. strong correlation between dietary level of food contaminant and HCC
MECHANISM OF ACTION: mutations of important cancer genes RAS and TP53 are particularly implicated. Highlight reactive electrophile groups that directly damage DNA leading to mutations and cancer.
After exposure of cell to a mutant or initially, tumorigenesis can be enhanced by exposure to promoters which stimulate the proliferation of the mutates cells (tumour promoters stimulate cell proliferation …)
Radiation carcinogenesis
possible sources: UV rays of sunlight, radiographs, nuclear fission, radionuclides
the oncogene properties of ionising radiation = are related to it’s mutagenic effects. causes chromosome breakage, chromosomal rearrangement (translocations and inversion) and less frequently point mutations.
Biologically - double stranded DNA breaks appear to the most important type of DNA damage in these instances.
UV rays –> skin cancers - melanoma, SCC, BCC
non melanoma skin cancers are associated with cumulative exposure to UV whereas melanoma is associated with intensive intermittent exposure (sunbathing, big burn)
DNA damaging –> pyrimidine dimers –> repaired by the nucleotide excision pathways
With extensive exposure may be overwhelmed and skin cancer developed (xeroderma pigmentosum particularly susceptible - as has defects in the nucleotide excision repair pathway)
Laboratory diagnosis:
Histologic (X) Immunohistochemistry (X) Flow cytometry (X) Molecular profiling Tumour markers (X)
Clinical aspects:
• Local and humoral:
• Cancer cachexia including Warburg effect
• Paraneoplastic:
o Hypercalcaemia
o Neuromyopathic
o Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy: understand some of the proposed mechanisms
o Migratory thrombophlebitis: activation of Factor X by mucin from tumours increased
tissue factor
• Grading and staging of neoplasms. (X)
TNM basics
T = the tumour. T1-T4 based on increasing size. T0 would imply the cancer is in situ. N = the nodes N0 would mean no nodal involvement M = mets. M0 means no distant mets.
Grading and staging
Grading and staging of neoplasms. Grade = the level of differentiation. (in some cancers the number of mitoses and the presence of certain architectural features). Staging - size, extent of spread to regional lymph nodes, and mets. TNM staging - T for the primary tumour, N for regional lymph node involvement, M for mets. STAGING is of greater clinical value compared to grading.
Warburg effect:
Morphological methods:
FNA = aspiration of cells from a mass. Followed by cytologic examination of the cells after they have been spread on a slide.
Cytologic smears = typically for diagnosis of carcinoma of the cervix. But now also other malignancies, including endometrial, bronchogenic, bladder and prostate, gastric cancer, tumour cell identification in abdominal pleural joint and cerebrospinal fluid.
The shed neoplastic cells are reviewed for features of anaplasia.
Flow cytometry
Tumor markers
biochemical assays of tumour associated enzymes, hormones and other tumour markers in the blood are used with varying success as screening tests and may have value with monitoring the response to therapy or detecting disease recurrence.
PSA - low sensitivity and low specificity. and its use as a screening tool is quite controversial. (however very useful for detecting residual disease or recurrence following prostate cancer treatment)
CEA - carcinoma of the colon, pancreas, stomach, breast
AFP - produced by HCCs
Paraneoplastic syndromes
occur in 10-15% of cancers. can sometimes even mimic the findings in metastatic disease
Non bacterial thrombotic endocarditic
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy: understand some of the proposed mechanisms
Migratory thrombophlebitis:
(from wikipedia) The Trousseau sign of malignancy or Trousseau’s syndrome is a medical sign involving episodes of vessel inflammation due to blood clot (thrombophlebitis) which are recurrent or appearing in different locations over time (thrombophlebitis migrans or migratory thrombophlebitis). The location of the clot is tender and the clot can be felt as a nodule under the skin.[1] Trousseau’s syndrome is a rare variant of venous thrombosis that is characterized by recurrent, migratory thrombosis in superficial veins and in uncommon sites, such as the chest wall and arms. This syndrome is particularly associated with pancreatic, gastric and lung cancer and Trousseau’s syndrome can be an early sign of cancer[2][3] sometimes appearing months to years before the tumor would be otherwise detected
Pathophysiology: activation of Factor X by mucin from tumours increased
tissue factor
Multiple mechanisms in Trousseau’s syndrome. There are multiple overlapping and interacting mechanisms that can explain the increased incidence of thrombosis in patients with malignancies. In Trousseau’s syndrome, hypercoagulability manifests even before the diagnosis of the tumor and is probably the result of products arising from the tumor itself. The most common malignancies associated with this syndrome are carcinomas (cancers of epithelial origin) that are often, but not always, mucin producing. This cartoon depicts a mucin-producing carcinoma arising in a hollow organ, which secretes mucins with altered glycans inappropriately into the bloodstream. Although the bulk of these mucins are probably rapidly cleared by the liver, a small fraction are resistant to clearance and can interact with P- and L-selectins, inducing the formation of platelet-rich microthrombi by multiple pathways. Exposure of tissue factor (TF)–rich tumor cell surfaces to the bloodstream or the release of TF-rich microvesicles by the tumor is presumed to induce fibrin formation and platelet aggregation by thrombin production. There is some evidence for a cysteine proteinase secreted by carcinoma cells that can directly activate factor X to generate thrombin. Although interactions of platelet and endothelial P-selectin with P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) on monocytes may further contribute to these reactions, the exact mechanism by which mucins eventually generate thrombin and fibrin production is unknown. Hypoxic conditions within the tumor, the expression of the MET oncogene, or both might also enhance production of procoagulant factors such as TF and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), and tumor-derived inflammatory cytokines may serve to activate endothelial and platelet adhesion molecules. Various combinations of these mechanisms can help explain the unusual, migratory, and exaggerated thrombotic phenomena of Trousseau’s syndrome. As indicated in the figure, heparin has potential salutary effects on many of the relevant processes. This may explain why heparin preparations of various kinds are the preferred agent for the management of Trousseau’s syndrome.