Chapter 7 : Multimedia system Flashcards
What are the types of media used within a multimedia product?
- Text - Number
- Hypertext - Audio
- Image - Animation
- Videos
What are 2 display mode in multimedia?
- Screen and speaker
How to calculate image storage?
File size = ( Horizontal ×Vertical × Bit depth ) / (8 × 1024 bits )(= 1 Kb)
What is bit depth and relationship between bit depth and number of colour/ tone ?
- Bit depth is number of bits in a pixel
- 1 bit depth have 2 colours (2^1)
What is sample rate ?
- Sampling rate is the number of times a sample is taken from the sound wave. (kHz)
- More rate better audio
What is sample size?
- Sample size (or bit resolution) is the number of bits per sample
How to calculate audio file size?
(Sample rate × Sample size × time in second) × 2
How is speed of image shown in video determined by?
- By frame per second (fps)
- Higher fps, smoother video
How to calculate number of frames?
= (Frame rate x time in seconds)
How to calculate file size for each frame ?
= ( Horizontal ×Vertical × Bit depth) / ( 8 × 1024)
How to calculate a total video size ?
= Number of frames x File size for each frames
What are some techniques to create animation?
By using cell - based animation or path - based animation
- (Morphing and Warping can be include)
What are some people involve in multimedia system?
- Content providers
- System designer
- Technical staff
What are some major areas of multimedia use in and given example for each?
- Education and training ( Eg: Computer - based training)
- Leisure and entertainment( Eg : game)
- Information ( Eg: Information kiosks, Wikipedia)
- Virtual reality and simulation ( Eg:VR, flight simulators)
What advance in technology has helped multimedia?
- World Wide Web (www)
- CD - ROM speed
What is the design principles in media web?
- Consistent
- Navigation
- Simple
What are some hardware use to create and display multimedia?
- Screens
- Projection devices
- Speakers
- CD - ROM
- Head up display (VR style )
What are some presentation software and its features?
- Microsoft Powerpoint
- On screen presentation, transition, speaker note
What are some application software and what it does?
- Word processor : Write documents, paper ,text,etc.
- Spreadsheets : Table with columns and rows to store data.
- Graphic software : create and edit image
- Audio software : create and edit audio
- Video software : create and edit video
- Project management software : use to efficient plans, manage projects
What is authoring software?
Authoring software is used to combine text,graphics,animation,audio and video into a multimedia product.
What is animation software and their types?
Animation software takes individual images and creates the illusion of movement
- Type can be 2D, 3D, morphing and warphing
What are 7 information processes?
Collecting, organising, analysing, storing and retrieving, processing, transmitting and receiving, displaying
What are some method to collect information for a multimedia system?
- Scanners
- Digital video cameras
- Microphones
What are 2 compression techniques and what it does ?
- Lossy compression : Remove a number of data byte thats hardly to notice, reduce file size and quality
- Lossless compression : Replace repeat data with something that takes less room or remove it . Same quality but reduce file size
What are some types of file format
Could include : HTML, JPEG, GIF, ASCII
What are some issues related to multimedia system?
Copyright,use on internet ( live steam, privacy) merging technology