Chapter 5 : Decision Support System Flashcards
Understand the total concept of Decision support system
What are 3 components of a decision support system ?
- Data management, model management and dialogue management
What are 3 type of situation?
Structured ,semi-structured or unstructured situations
1 example of structure , semi - structure and unstructure situation
- Structure situation , Eg: Home loan calculator
- Semi- structure situation , Eg : Bank loan approval for customers
- Substructure situation, Eg: Predicting stock prices, Betting, weather forecast
4 Types of Decision Support System
- Spreadsheets
- Databases
- Expert system
- Neural network
What involve in designing spreadsheeets?
- Involves creating a pen and paper model,identifying data sources,planning the user interface and developing the formulas to be used.
What is absolute and relative referencing?
- Absolute referencing is the formula is copied exactly, with the cell references remaining the same , use symbol ‘$’
- Relative referencing , the mathematical processes, such as the operators and functions, are copied but the cell references change so that they relate to the destination
What is knowledge base?
- Knowledge base is a set of general facts and if-then rules supplied by an expert.
What is Database of facts?
- The database of facts is data entered by user , information received.
What is Inference Engine?
The reasoning part within the expert system using information and rule to determine what question to ask next.
What is Explanation mechanism?
Draw conclusion to questions asked
What are 2 main type of inference engine?
- Forward chaining: Wait until all question is answered by user then draw conclusion.
- Backward chaining: Ask for the conclusion and draw back to evidence base on the answer
What is fuzzy logic
Is to describe a variables that can be true or false, which is certainly to determine how certain someting is base on certainty value
- (Eg from 0 to 1, 0 is not certain and 1 is certain, between is determine how close to certain or not .)
What is macro?
Quick command tool to copy and paste using a key .
What is pivot table?
Is an interactive table that quickly summarises large amounts of data
What are 4 common type of chart ?
- Bar chart
- Column chart
- Line chart
- Pie chart
What are some issues relate to Decision support system?
- Intelligent system (AI)
- Preserving expert’s knowledge
- Improve performance and consistency
- Make rapid decision
- Analysing unstructured situations