Chapter 7: Management Skills Communication Flashcards
What is communication?
Communication involves transferring information from one person to another.
Explain internal communication. Define upward, downward and horizontal internal communication.
Communication between two or more people in a business.
Upward-employee to management
Downward-management to employee
Horizontal-employee to employee
Explain external communication.
This is communication between the business and other people outside the business such as banks, suppliers, customers or government.
Give examples of internal communication methods.
Internal newsletter
Notice Board
Intercom System
Give examples of an external communication method.
Press Conference
Explain five factors that influence the method of communication.
Cost-Must keep cost low. E.g. e-mail
Urgency-Urgent message needs fastest form of communication. E.g. Telephone
Confidentiality-If message is private must be confidential method. E.g. Face to face
Nature-Contents of message, if message is long or complex then written is best. E.g. Letter
Legal-Laws of a country. E.g. Contract to buy a house must be written
Explain the six barriers to effective communication.
Language-Using complex jargon or foreign language. Can be overcome by using simple, clear language appropriate to the receiver.
Prejudice-Personal bias against sender, will not listen to message. Can be overcome by training everyone to be more tolerant and understanding of other people.
Information Overload-Too much information won’t be taken in. Overcome by sending short, snappy and to-the-point messages.
Poor listening skills-Some people don’t listen properly. Overcome by asking questions to ensure they are listening and understanding.
Timing-If message is too late will not be able to act on it. Overcome by planning communication carefully so adequate time is given to act on information received.
Lack of trust-If receiver doesn’t trust sender. Overcome by building long term relationships among staff.
Advantages and disadvantages of written communication
Provides a permanent record of communication (proof).
Can be re-eead and reviewed afterwards.
Email is a quick and cheap method of communication.
Feedback is slower than oral communication.
Risk of information overload.
Information could fall into the wrong hands.
E.g. E-mail
Advantages and disadvantages of oral communication
Quick and easy to get a response.
Easy to explain any problems of issues.
Able to read body language and show emotion.
-No record of conversation so no proof it took place.
-Receiver of the message may not be listening and therefore the message may not get through.
E.g. Speech
Advantages and disadvantages of visual communication
Useful for analysing situations.
Makes oral or written communication clearer and easier to understand.
-Visual communication is not sufficient on it’s own.
E.g. Pie Charts
What is a memo?
A memo (memorandum) is a short written document used for internal communication.
Layout of a memo.
To: Date:
From: Subject:
Memo Content
What is a business letter?
A business letter is a detailed written document sent between businesses. They are more formal than a memo.
Layout of business letter.
. Sender’s Business Name
. Sender’s Address
Sender’s Reference (E.g. For Meskell Management it is (MM/2022))
Receiver’s Reference (
Name, title and address of receiver
Salutation-Dear sir, madam
Par1-Purpose of letter
Par2-Main body
Par3-What you want to happen now
Yours faithfully/sincerely
Block signature
Position I hold
What is a report?
A report is a written document in which one person sets out findings of their investigation into a certain issue.
Give four objectives of a report.
-To give information on a specific topic
-To investigate an incident
-To come up with solutions to a particular problem
-To convince the reader to take a particular course of action.
Layout of a report.
Title of report
Table of contents
Executive Summary-Main findings and conclusions
Terms of Reference-Sets out issues investigated
Conclusions and Recommendations
What is a meeting?
A meeting is when two or more people come together for the purpose of discussing a predetermined topic and making decisions.
What does AGM stand for?
Annual General Meeting
What does EGM stand for?
Extraordinary General Meeting
Difference between statutory meeting and ad hoc meeting
Statutory meeting is first ever meeting of a company.
Ad hoc meeting is a one-off unplanned gathering.
Define board meeting.
Held on a regular basis. Board members meet to discuss and make decisions on the running of the business, set goals and devise strategies.
Three advantages of meetings.
Save Time-Don’t tell people things individually.
Solves problems-face to face meeting, easier to reach agreement.
Better Decision Making-Each person brings different knowledge and experience.
Define notice.
A written document sent out by the secretary setting out the date, time and venue of a meeting and is sent to anyone who is entitled to attend.
Define agenda.
A written list of all topics that will be discussed at a meeting. Sent out before the meeting.
Define minutes.
A summarised written record of what was discussed and decided on at the meeting.
Define Quorum.
The minimum amount of people who must attend for the meeting to take place. Decisions aren’t made by a minority.
Who is the chairperson? What are their functions?
The person who runs the meeting.
-Ensure the quorum is present
-Start the meeting
-Maintain order during the meeting
-Call a vote on a motion
-Use their casting vote if the vote is tied
-Close the meeting
Who is the secretary? What are their functions?
This person is responsible for all the organisation, administration and paperwork associated with the meeting.
-Organise venue for the meeting
-Send out notice and agenda
-Record the minutes of the meeting
-Deal with any correspondence
-Advise and assist the chairperson
Explain the four characteristics of a good chairperson.
Impartial-Must be unbiased and give everyone equal opportunity to speak.
Tactful-Must ask people to stop talking politely - be pleasant but firm
Speaks clearly-As they are in charge it is important everyone can hear and understand them.
Knows the Rules-If problems arise in the meeting, they will know how to handle it according to the rules of the meeting.
Explain two characteristics of a good secretary.
Good Writer
-A lot of writing to do, before, after and during the meeting.
-Clear handwriting
Good Summariser
-Prepares minutes
-Must be able to identify important points
-Minutes must be good enough for someone who wasn’t there to know what decisions were made.
What is EDI?
Electronic Data Interchange-System that electronically links the computers of two or more companies. Automatically send documents to one another (invoice, order etc) It can be used to manage stock levels accurately.
Advantages of EDI.
- Environmentally friendly-no need for paper documents.
- Makes employees jobs redundant and saves money in the long run.
- No time delays so stock is received quicker.
What are the advantages of video conferencing?
E.g. Skype
-Saves Time-Managers can focus on more important tasks
-Saves Money-On travel expenses
What are the advantages and disadvantages of e-mail?
E.g. Gmail
Saves postage and stationary costs.
Message sent instantly.
1. Other person needs computer/phone with internet.
2. Internet not always secure and risk of hacking.
3. Some emails contain viruses.
What does GDPR stand for?
General Data Protection Regulation
Explain the rights of a data subject.
- Get a copy of the data clearly explained including any opinions held about you
- Have any errors corrected or deleted if there is no valid reason to hold the
information. Data Controller has 40 days to comply. - Remove your details from direct marketing lists.
- Right not to be subject to automated decisions about you and have a human involved in the process.
- If you suffer any damage as a result of mishandling you have the right to compensation
Explain the obligations of the data controller.
- Obtain information fairly and openly. They must tell you what the information is for and who will get to see it.
- Keep information safe and secure. Use passwords, not allow visitors to the office see computer screens, dispose of information securely and properly.
- Delete information they no longer need. Regularly purge files.
- Give a copy to data subject who asks for it clearly presented. Can
charge up to €6.35
Explain the four functions of the Data Protection Commission.
- Investigates Complaints: Gets parties to reach amicable agreement. Examine the evidence and make a decision. Can launch investigations if they feel the law has been broken.
- Force data controllers to give up information. Issue a written ‘information notice’.
- Force data controllers to correct or delete data by issuing a written ‘enforcement notice’.
- Keep a register of data controllers so the public knows who has their data. Some organisations have to register with the commissioner. E.g. Financial institutions, public bodies, and direct marketing companies.
Evaluate the Data Protection Act
Protects data subjects because:
-They are entitled to see information held about them and correct errors or delete them. Will not suffer from incorrect information.
-If they lose out because of inaccurate information they are entitled to compensation.
What are the advantages of the internet?
1. Advertise cheaply and to a global audience on social media.
2. E-commerce: Sell goods online to a global market.
3. Use the internet to obtain information to make better decisions.
Layout of an agenda.
- Minutes of last meeting.
- Matters arising from those minutes.
- Chairperson’s Report
- Auditor’s Report
- Dividends for next year
- Election of new directors
- Any other business.
What are the advantages of effective communication?
Encourage Intrapreneurship: New Ideas flow freely and can de developed quickly in an environment with effective communication.
Increased Productivity: Instructions are understood by all employees and deadlines are clearly communicated so productivity increases.
Benefits of development in ICT. (4)
Video Conferencing-Enables people from all over the world to communicate effectively and greatly reduces costs such as rent with smaller premises required with increased remote working.
Social Media-Advertise to a global market cheaply. Much cheaper than traditional forms and can reach specific target market.
E-commerce-Selling goods online on an international scale, reduced delivery costs
E-mail-Improved speed of written communication and can be read. Is the ideal form for complex messages and saves business time and money.
Explain data protection
The means by which the privacy rights of individuals are safeguarded in relation to their personal data. Set of standards for the processing of personal data.