Chapter 7: LTM: Encoding, Retrieval, and Consolidation Flashcards
The process of acquiring information and transferring it to LTM.
Bringing information into consciousness by transferring it from LTM to working memory.
Typically, this type of rehearsal results in little or no encoding and therefore poor memory, so you don’t remember the number when you want to call it again later. Associated with shallow processing which involves repetition with little attention to meaning.
Maintenance rehearsal
Rehearsal that involves thinking about the meaning of an item to be remembered or making connections between that item and prior knowledge. Associated with deep processing which involves attention to meaning.
Elaborative rehearsal
The idea that memory depends on how information is encoded, with better memory being achieved when processing is deep than when processing is shallow. Deep processing involves attention to meaning and is associated with elaborative rehearsal. Shallow processing involves repetition with little attention to meaning and is associated with maintenance rehearsal.
Levels of processing theory
Processing that involves repetition with little attention to meaning. Associated with maintenance rehearsal.
Shallow processing
Processing that involves attention to meaning and relating an item to something else. Associated with elaborative rehearsal.
Deep processing
Participants were given a fill-in-the-blanks assignment. For example, participants see the word car and are asked if it fits into the sentence “He saw a ______ on the street.” What level of processing is involved.
Deep processing
A learning task in which participants are first presented with pairs of words, then one word of each pair is presented and the task is to recall the other word. Participants that formed a mental picture of the words vs. simply repeating the pairs to themselves remembered more than twice the words. Like the pair: boat-tree.
Paired-associate learning
Memory for a word is improved by relating the word to the self.
Self-reference effect
Memory for material is better when a person generates the material him- or herself, rather than passively receiving it.
Generation effect
A word or other stimulus that helps a person remember information stored in memory. For example, the word “apple” is a _____ for other fruits, such as “grape” or “plum.”
Retrieval cue
Enhanced performance on a memory test caused by being tested on the material to be remembered. This effect is important because studies have shown that it results in better performance than rereading material.
Testing effect
The advantage in performance caused by short study sessions separated by breaks from studying.
Spacing effect
The principle that we learn information together with its context. This means that presence of the context can lead to enhanced memory for the information.
Encoding specificity