Chapter 7: Learning Flashcards
change in behaviour due to experience (not drugs, disease etc.)
innate skills
skills we are born with, not a results of learning - once started cannot be stopped
behaviour and consequence - anything in the physical environment that we can detect and tells us something about the consequences of our actions
Differential consequences
reward for different actions are different
non-differential consequences
reward for different actions is the same
response to a stimulus that is learned or innate but automatic and simple (only apply to a small portion of behaviour)
pavlovian conditioning
when we associate two events - a signal and event that was signaled for (eg. red light means stop)
operant conditioning
how we learn what happens when we do something
social (vicarious) learning
learning something by watching others
latent learning
learning something but not using it until a time comes (thinking we don’t know something but knowing it when the time comes)
biological constraints
dictate what we will or won’t associate in each type of learning
something in environment that we can detect, measure and use to evoke a response
unconditional stimulus
stimulus that leads to an automatic response
unconditional response
innate reflex
conditional stimulus
stimulus that can eventually trigger a conditioned response
conditional response
a conditional reflex / learned response to a previously neutral stimulus