Chapter 7 | Family Members Flashcards
To practice Spanish Vocabulary
los bisabuelos
the great-grandparents
el bisabuelo
the great-grandfather
la bisabuela
the great-grandmother
los abuelos
the grandparents
el abuelo
the grandfather
la abuela
the grandmother
los padres
the parents
el padre
the father
la madre
the mother
los parientes
the relatives
el pariente
the (male) relative
la pariente
the (female) relative
el tío, la tía
the uncle, the aunt
el esposo / el marido, la esposa
the husband, the wife
el hijo, la hija
the son, the daughter
el hermano, la hermana
the brother, the sister
el nieto, la nieta
the grandson, the granddaughter
el primo, la prima
the (male) cousin, the (female) cousin
el sobrino, la sobrina
the nephew, the niece
el suegro, la suegra
the father-in-law, the mother-in-law
el yerno
the son-in-law
la nuera
the daughter-in-law
el cuñado
the brother-in-law
la cuñada
the sister-in-law
el padrastro
the stepfather
la madrastra
the stepmother
el padrino
the godfather
la madrina
the godmother
el ahijado
the godson
la ahijada
the goddaughter